Change of treatment - targeted therapy

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  • 48 subscribers

Hi I have stage 4 melanoma that has reoccurred after 18 years. It’s in my lymph node and liver.

After three rounds of the combined immunotherapy I ended up in hospital for just over 3 weeks because my liver became so inflamed and basically started failing; in addition to this I also had an infected gallbladder.  Whilst I was in hospital they did scan my liver and said the cancer in my liver had shrank. 

Last week I had a full scan to see where things are up to and I am waiting for these results. 

My oncologist has said I might not be able to move onto the maintenance treatment of immunotherapy because of what happened to my liver and t they might try me on targeted therapy, or depending on the latest scan results they may monitor with regular scans. 

My question is has anyone had to switch to targeted therapy and how have they found it?

Also is it patient choice what treatment you have? I think my preference would be to give the maintenance a try and see how I managed that.


  • Hi Galvs

    My partner is stage 4 melanoma. He had pembro immunotherapy whilst stage 2b, then went onto targeted therapies, first dab and tram, then enco and bini, which he is still taking. If you read my profile you can see more details of these two targeted therapies. Hope this helps
