Feeling down

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  • 49 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I had a lymph node removed from my neck and a wider excision on my left shoulder after a melanoma diagnosis.

I have had my neck dressing removed but was shocked by the length of the scar and I still have numbness around the area which feels extremely strange.

I have to go back on Friday as my shoulder hasn't healed as well as it should have so far so the nurse put on some steri strips to hold it together more.

Today I am feeling very emotional that I won't every feel like me again. I am normally so bubbly and outgoing but currently I don't even want to go out in public.

    1. Hey Sillymoo. Sorry to read you are feeling down. I'm lucky in that my WLE/SLNB was on my calf/groin. I had to have my wounds re covered as my groin especially was still weepy, I was back yesterday (Tue) to get checked and luckily they are now healing well so dressings are off and I got to have my first shower in three weeks! I agree the scar is much bigger on my leg,  I look like a great white has taken a big bite, my groin feels lumpy, but the scar isn't too bad, it just feels like a firm lump under the scar. I believe over time our scars will fade and apparently it's very important to massage them with cream 3/4 times a day starting gently building as we heel. We are altered people there is no getting away from that, my friends and family are like 'hey you are clear, you dont have cancer' but there is this lingering feeling and worry. However, I am not going to let this beat me. We have got through this but and the scars will be there to remind us and make us grateful (or that's my theory haha) please don't feel bad for feeling as you do, it's your journey and no one is walking in your shoes. X