Scan results - confusing

  • 1 reply
  • 47 subscribers

Hi All,

My husband was diagnosed back in Feb of this year, unknown source Stage 4. He is 36 with two little girls. We are devastated, the first sign of anything untoward was lumps on his neck and armpit. 
He is BRAF positive, has had one round of ipinivo so far. He had severe liver trauma so another round is out of the question. 
His last scan showed some growth in places but also reduction, for example the tumour on his neck is gone. His consultant has decided the best course of action is to go with nivo now which we are happy to do. He will then be scanned again to see progress. 
My question to this forum is has anyone had an experience where they were scanned before immunotherapy and in between the scan and treatment there was more growth so it was unclear to the physicians whether the growth happened pre or post treatment. His condition pre treatment was very bad, declining very quickly. This is what we are currently faced with, hard for them to say definitively if growth happened after iponivo. Or in between scan and treatment. Hope I’m making sense! 
Thank you in advance for any responses. 

  • I’d also add that my husband feels good, a little pain and fatigue but nothing that would correspond with what his scan shows as ‘growth’, his consultant was reassured by seeing him. What she was seeing on the scan didn’t seem to correspond with how he feels.