WLE and lymph node biopsy

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  • 52 subscribers


I had my first consultation yesterday after my diagnosis of stage 1B melanoma last week. I have been told the wait list for both procedures is going to be a long wait. 

I have to wait 6 weeks for an appointment with the surgeon who will discuss my options (again) and then from that point it could take 3-4 months for a surgery date to do the lymph node biopsyand WLE.

It seems like a rather long time to be waiting which is making me consider just the WLE which they can do quicker. 

My ANP (advanced nurse practitioner beacuse my consultant is away) was not very compassionate and I don't think he was very reassuring when asking questions. 

My question is... if any cells have been left behind am I not at risk of them spreading whilst I'm waiting for the surgery? 

And if that's the case does anyone have experience of just doing the WLE? 

I've been told they have to do them together and can't do them separately has this been the case for everyone?

(OK so lots of questions) Thank you.

  • Hello. I am so sorry to be reading your journey, the group have been very supportive to my questions. I'm very new to the group so don't feel I can answer your concerns, but someone will. I do feel for you having to wait so long for treatment mind, it's crazy. The waiting is the hardest part. Sending hugs.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the melanoma group.

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and it's natural to have lots of questions.

    I don't know how much of a risk there is, if there are any cancer cells left at the excision biopsy, of them spreading. That would be a great question to post in the ask a nurse section of the online community. If this is something that you'd like to do, clicking on the link I've created will take you directly there. It's only available Monday-Friday so you may need to wait until after the weekend to be able to post your question.

    When I was diagnosed I had to wait about 10 weeks to have my WLE and SLNB. I spoke to my SCNS who was able to reassure me that the surgeon had got 'clear margins' on the biopsy so there were unlikely to be cells left behind.

    As far as I'm aware it is true that you have to have the WLE and SLNB done at the same time. This is because they inject you with a radioactive dye as close to the original site of the melanoma as possible and, if you've already had the WLE done, they won't be able to get it in as accurate a place.

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  • Hi 160823, 

    I know your struggle and the sense of urgency you are feeling. I was diagnosed with scalp melanoma staged t1a in February this year and seemed like everyone was in slow motion over my diagnoses. I live in the US and was able to get a second opinion on the results which made all the difference and was scheduled for a WLE and SLNB the next week instead of waiting for more than a month just to see the ENT who was scheduled through the first dermatologist.

    My second dermatologist was concerned with the thickness of the tumor stopping at the depth of the biopsy and considering the thickness of the tumor was borderline on the criteria between t1a and t1b, he thought it should have been treated as a t1b.

    With that said, they also performed a genome test on the cancer cells using AI to determine the likelihood of the cancer reoccurrence which came back with less than 5% chance. My WLE went as scheduled on March 1st, but they were unable to determine blood flow from the melanoma location to the lymph nodes and no SLNB was performed. They did get clear margins and staged it at a t1a.

    I have since had an ultrasound performed on my lymph nodes around my head 2 months after the WLE and just had a head CT performed last week with good results. I am scheduled for another CT scan in 6 months.

    Between clear margines, CT scan and genome test results I have some level of confidence but will stay vigilent as time goes on making sure to build on my experience as well as others as we battle this terrible disease.

  • Hi that is a long time to wait i got diagnosed on 5th July 2023 and had wle and slnb  and skin graft on 17th August but mine is staged at 2 at moment I'm waiting on the results for slnb and still recovering from surgery as was on my inside of foot.

  • Hi there

    Ive also just been diagnosed with 2 stage 2 melanomas. Had to wait 12 weeks for biopsy results but now im at christies things are moving very quickly. Ive had my brain scan, having my body scan tomorrow and will be having surgery for a wider exicision and a lymph node biopsy on the 21st sept. Im so nervous 

    Ive been told i have to isolate 5 dats prior to op so worrying does my daughter have to stay off school too 

    Hope you recouperate soons xx

  • Hi I was nervous about the surgery but it was not to bad I'm still waiting on results and still sore as I had to have skin graft too. Where is your melanoma.x

  •  Hi there

    Please try not to stress to much, i know its so hard not to but try and be/stay positive at this testing time x

    Ive also just been diagnosed with 2 stage 2 melanomas. Had to wait 12 weeks for biopsy results but now im at christies things are moving very quickly. Ive had my brain scan, having my body scan tomorrow and will be having surgery for a wider exicision and a lymph node biopsy on the 21st sept. Im so nervous But im sure ill be ok and its means to the other side of things (ps i have a needle phobia which dosent help much lol)

    Ive been told i have to isolate 5 days prior to op so worrying does my daughter have to stay off school too, i usually have my boyfriends daughter at weekends too so should i be putting her off too? 

    Well and positive wishes being sent to all x

  • One is on my left shoulder on back the other on right side mid back

    They said a possible skin graft may be needed just have to see x

  • Miss Mole, i hope you start to feel better soons and not be sore xx