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  • 48 subscribers

Hi my husband wS diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma early this year. He had lymph nodes removed from his arm and began a course of immunotherapy.  After 2 treatments he had had to stop and is now on steroids due to his kidneys being affected by the treatment.  He has also been now told the steroids will affect his blood sugar so he is having to test this  his bones so he has been prescribed  medication and will have to start antibiotics later this monde to the impact on his immune system.  I would add that there was no other signs of the cancer following the lymph removal. We are both bewildered no on seems to be explaining what is happening. 

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read all the side effects your husband has encountered since being diagnosed with melanoma. It must be very worrying for you both.

    The best person to explain what is happening would be your husband's SCNS as she has access to your husband's medical records. 

    Do come back and let us all know how he gets on.

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  • Sorry  SCNS stands for skin cancer nurse specialist and your husband should have been assigned one and have her contact details. They are invaluable as they are your husband's first point of contact between him and the consultant and can help with answering questions, etc.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"