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  • 50 subscribers

Hello folks

I got given my date for the WLE and SLNB, which is in 3 weeks time. My lymph node removal is from my groin, just wondering how long after the op will it take for me to be mobile and fit for work. I am a receptionist so I'm desk based but do some walking and patient care.

I need to let work know so trying to be a little prepared and have an approximate idea of basic recovery, I do understand everyone is different. 

Many thanks in advance


  • I think some of it depends on where the WLE is and what is done, as to recovery time. I had WLE on my leg just above my ankle and slnb from my groin. For me it had to be a skin graft as not enough skin to close the WLE wound. I had about 3 weeks working from home as I'd just started a new job and didnt want to go sick right away (only day i took off fully was the day of the op). I barely noticed the SLNB at all from the start. Most of my rest was due to them not wanting me to pull my skin graft while it was taking. I was asked to remain immobile for 2 full weeks and took it easy for the third. I wasnt allowed to drive for those 3 weeks. A less problematic location and Im pretty sure I'd have been up and about much sooner as it was never really painful aside from the first day or two. 

  • Thank you for your reply. I've just read your journey. So very similar to mine. My mole was 0.9mm so was offered the WLE and SLNB. The location of my mole was the left leg above the ankle on my lower calf. So did your Biopsy come back clear? How are you doing now? 

  • You are welcome and sorry to hear your diagnosis. You’ve just reminded me, I really should update my story. It does sound very similar. Mine was actually on my shin, hence the lack of skin and the graft. Yes, fortunately my biopsy came back clear in the end, my wounds have healed and I’ve had a couple more skin checks, which were all clear. Overall I’m doing fine, though it’s often still in the back of my mind even now. I personally found the toll on my mental health was worse than any of the treatment along the way. It all worked out in the end but I do still worry as I have young kids.

  • Hi 

    I think I it will depend where your WLE is, the SNLB was less of an issue and didn't bother me a lot, apart from a few weeks later I developed a Seroma, a collection of fluid in the groin area which was a bit uncomfortable and took a while to dissipate. 

    1. My skin graft was on the side of my foot so I had trouble with shoes and walking for a while, it took really well but I wasnt walking without crutches for about 2 to 3 weeks.

    I also had swelling in my foot and leg, lymphedema ,which took a few weeks to get under control.I elevated my foot and still do when sitting and even in bed.Lots of exercise and a kind husband to massage it.Now both feet and legs are the same size againGrin

    Good luck with your journey.

  • Hi im waiting for wle and slnb. My mole is just below my right ankle on inside. And I ia waiting on ct and mri results it is all scary. 

  • It is isn't it. We need to stay positive. I keep telling myself all will be fine but I find myself constantly thinking about the fact I have a cancer. Miss Mole what is your journey so far? it doesn't say on your profile. 

  • Hi  thanks for the reply. My mole started to look different so I went to see doctor on 7th June he sent me to dermatologist which I had the following week he said it did not look serious  but sent me for biopsy they said they could not take whole mole of because its to big as its 14mm diameter. Week and half later got a call to go to hospital to get results and told me i had melanoma and checked my land groin no sign of any swelling. He referred me to another hospital and sent me a copy of letter he sent to hospital which said I had a 2mm nodular melanoma with 0 mitoses. Then I was sent for mri and ct scan no one told me why I was being sent for these scans so I guess its routine. Then I went to hospital Monday just gone I thought they were going to remove it then but it was just a consultation telling me I have to have wle and slnb got to stay in hospital for a night or 2. They have put me on urgent waiting list so should be soon. I'm worried about results of scans and I'm not used to hospital.

  • Bless you. I think with cancers they have to get the ball moving quickly and it's great that they've done what they've done in the time that they have. I haven't had any scans done. I had my mole removed 7th June and my was diagnosed stage 1b on the 27th June and my WLE/SLNB is on 15th Aug. My pathological staging is pT1aNxMx. Mitotic count 4/mm2. I'm not really sure what it all means, but just trusting the process for now.

    Have you asked for help in the group from a post of your own? Complete your profile with your journey so far, as this helps people understand your current situation, then start your own thread for advice. We are on a bit of a similar path, timescale wise, so like you, have no idea of what's to come and so we are obviously worried, however there are lots of very helpful and experienced people, who have replied to my questions, ldg559 being one of them. I feel pretty useless in my response. Apart from having 2 children, I've never been in hospital nor had any illnesses, where are you based I'm in Cumbria but under Newcastle for treatment so far. 

    Please feel free to reach out to me. I will follow you and on here, stay positive as much as you can, I believe we are in good hands. 

  • Hi i am in hertfordshire but im going to a hospital in Chelmsford essex. Thanks for the reply it does help to know  there a lot of people with the same condition.

  • Hi I got my surgery on 17th August. Mri head and ct showed no tumors but  found a cyst on my ovaries so been sent for blood test. Hopefully its nothing.