Holiday Break Uk

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hello everyone. I'm at the start of my cancer journey, currently diagnosed with stage 1b following a mole removal on the 7th June from my lower leg. I'm now waiting for WLE and Lymph biopsy, no date as yet. Obviously I'm hoping that the cancer hasn't spread, however if it has then treatment wise, what happens next? Is it pills/injections/surgery, is it lots of appointments and trips to hospital etc. I will be under the RVI in Newcastle but live in Cumbria. I had to cancel my holiday abroad in September as advised my the cancer nurse, but I really feel like I need a break away, so was thinking of booking a week in a caravan in September instead near to Newcastle so I'd be close if I had to visit. I just don't know what to do, am I being stupid in thinking of a booking now, as I don't know if the cancer has spread??  I just feel if I leave booking until closer to September anything nice will have been snapped up, there's not much left now! What are your thoughts, especially those further along their journey. I do hope I'm not coming over as selfish, I just think being by the sea is what I need and to have something good to look forward to, but am I being shortsighted (I have no idea what to expect) Thanks in advance 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma and it's natural to jump ahead and wonder what might happen if it's discovered that the cancer has spread.

    Like you, when I was diagnosed I had to cancel my upcoming holiday abroad. I decided to wait until I had the results of my WLE and SLNB before booking anything else, but that was because I was going to be away for 6 weeks so wanted to make sure that my holiday wouldn't interfere with any further treatment. Fortunately, my WLE and SLNB were all clear so I rebooked my holiday straight away.

    I think in your position I'd speak to my SCNS again to find out how long the wait for your WLE and SLNB is likely to be in your area of the country. You'll then have a bit more of an idea of how practical booking your holiday will be while waiting for your surgery date.

    As I didn't need follow-up treatment following my WLE and SLNB I can't comment on how long it would be before that phase of treatment would start or how often you would have to attend a hospital.

    Don't forget that when you take out travel insurance now you'll have to disclose your melanoma diagnosis. It can be more difficult to find reasonably priced travel insurance after a cancer diagnosis so you might like to join us over in the travel insurance group where you can read about which companies others have found to be the best value.


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  • Hi SoulyBoo,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis- but hopefully everything will turn out okay!

    I too am based in Cumbria, but my treatment will be at the RVI/Freeman in Newcastle. I have a consultation next week, and then I need to get some Lymph Nodes removed in 2-3 weeks.

    With regards to a break, I would book something now in the Newcastle/North East area and if anything comes up appointment wise- you are close by.

    The main thing to do is to live your life, and try not to worry! 

    You can check my profile for my timeline of events to date if you like.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello Gareth, I've just read your profile. Bless you.

    I hope you are staying as positive as you can be. I also hope  you have some good friends that you can confide to, as it's good to off load, but then on the other hand if you haven't got cancer it's hard to truly empathize, I thought I understood but wow I was wrong. I understand your reasoning for not telling your family until you need to. I keep thinking of all the cancers to get it could be worse... (who am I kidding)

    Strange how something we think so innocent can be turn out to be more sinister.

    Feel free to off load to me if you wish. I hope your treatment is prompt.

    There is so much to get your head around, it's bafflingbat times.

    As for the holiday, I booked it yesterday, the nurse said it would have been better to go later in September but my annual leave is earlier, however I'll only be about 40 mins from the RVI or a 1.5 hours back home. So at least I have a little rainbow to look forward to as the weeks role in. 

    Big friendly hugs 

  • Hi Soulyboo,

    I am- there are plenty of groups (like this one), and the ones on Facebook which certainly help. Once I know what the 'plan' is by my medical team, then things should hopefully become easier. 

    Glad to hear that you got your holiday booked- I hope you have a nice time and your hospital appointment goes well too! 

    Take care,
