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  • 54 subscribers

Hi, I have WLE & SLNB booked for next week. Diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma, 2.7mm breslow but no sign of lymph node invasion and not ulcerated according to my consultant. 

what was everyone’s experience after surgery, recovery time? Pain? time off work? Surgeon advised won’t need a skin graft but the surgery is on my arm just above the elbow. The original biopsy was about an inch and no trouble but this time will be bigger plus the under armpit stitches. Any advice will be great! And good luck everyone If you are in the same boat! 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I had a WLE in exactly the same position as you, along with a SLNB, and also didn't need a skin graft as the plastic surgeon was confident there would be enough skin to close the wound. All my stitches were dissolvable so I didn't need to go and have them removed which was great.

    The nurse advised me to take paracetamol and ibuprofen at the normal dosage and times right from when I woke up the morning after I had my surgery. She said the way to keep on top of any pain was not to wait until it felt painful but to be taking the tablets in advance. I did that for a couple of days then reduced the dose as the wound areas felt uncomfortable rather than painful.

    By the time I went back for a wound check-up and to get my results two weeks later, I had full mobility in my arm and, although I had retired, if I'd still been working I would have felt able to go back after two weeks. However, everyone is different so you won't know how you'll be affected until you have it done.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Do come back and let us all know how you get on and, if there's anything you want to ask me about the procedures, I'm happy to share my experiences with you.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you so much for the reply. Good to know around painkillers and how to handle potential pain after the surgery! 

    my partner is 36 weeks pregnant so just hoping she doesn’t come while I’m recovering as I will need to help out, maybe tricky with one arm! 

    I will certainly let you know how I get on! 

  • Same here, hopefully having WLE and SLNB on Thursday …good luck x

    It’s been cancelled because of the doctors strike, waiting is the hardest.

  • Hello. I've just read you journey so far. Have you had your surgery yet? If you have I hope you are doing ok.  I am waiting for a WLE and Lymph node biopsy, I had my mole removed 7th June, no date as yet. This is all so scary, especially when you read other people's journeys, I think I'm in denial or just really hoping the statistics of it not spreading are accurate. Wishing you a speedy recovery. 

  • Hi, it was meant to be tomorrow but was cancelled due to the junior doctors strike. Re booked in for 1st August now. 

    I know exactly how you feel. It’s the waiting that’s the worse part, then further waiting for results. Hopefully all caught quickly! Hopefully you get a date soon! 

  • Oh my I am so so sorry to read this. You build yourself up don't you. Try and stay positive, easier said than done mind x

  • Thanks, it is frustrating and incredibly stressful. I have new date same as murph84, fingers crossed for you both 

  • Hi murph84,

    glad that we got our identical procedures done, hope you are feeling ok. I’m a bit uncomfortable but no pain. Hope the baby is still cooking and safe inside!  Best wishes 

  • Hi, small world isn’t it! 

    My armpit was sore and had trouble sleeping due to that first few nights, the main WLE was pulled together all ok and no skin graft needed, all ok otherwise, stitches all look ok and arm is a bit tight that’s all. How are you doing? 

  • I’m ok thanks, I can’t see my stitches but I think they are ok, bandaged from wrist to upper arm! Seeing the CNS on Wednesday morning