WLE and SNLB anxiety

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Having been given a melanoma diagnosis pT2a … I am due a WLE and sentinel lobe biopsy on 24th. The mapping is taking place on 23rd. Firstly, the hospital had booked me in for an overnight stay on 23rd after mapping but I’ve told them I’ll go home - now I’m wondering is there a reason to stay over - am I likely to be ill after the mapping scan? And can anyone put my mind at rest over the operation on the 24th .. my melanoma was on the front of my ankle so the plastic surgeon is doing a skin graft. I’m dreading all of it … and the thought of having a General Anaesthetic terrifies me as my beloved mum died due to anaesthetic. I’ve no idea what to expect pain wise etc

  • Hi  

    Like you I had my lymphoscintigraphy, which identified the location of the sentinel lymph node in my armpit, the day before the operations. However, I wasn't offered an overnight bed at the hospital and went home in between. I don't know the reason why they had booked you an overnight stay, perhaps you could give your SCNS a call to find out if things have changed in between when I had mine (6 years ago) and now.

    I certainly didn't feel any different after I'd had the lymphoscintigraphy and the only thing I noticed, which the nurse had warned me about, was that my wee was an interesting shade of blue for about 12 hours or so!

    I'm sorry to read that your mum died due to anaesthetic so I can completely understand why the thought of having a general terrifies you. I was very nervous too, not so much about the GA but I didn't like the thought of having a cannula put in the back of my hand. On the day of the operation both the surgeon and anaesthetist came to speak to me before hand so I used the opportunity to tell the anaesthetist of my worries. He was very reassuring and everything went well when they had to put the cannula in. If you have a chat with the surgeon and anaesthetist before hand to explain your worries to them I'm sure they'll be able to help.

    My WLE was on my arm and the SLNB in my armpit, so in different areas to you. I was advised to take paracetamol and ibuprofen at the recommended dosages and times for a few days afterwards. I followed these instructions and I only experienced mild discomfort rather than actual pain. The nurse who discharges you should tell you what to do to manage the pain and the wounds as well.

    Wishing you all the best, and please fell free to ask any more questions


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  • Aww thanks for replying. Did you have plastic surgery for a skin graft? 
    I think the overnight stay is because I’m 45 mins from hospital and I’m first in theatre at 8am … so they wanted me to stay in. I’ve told them I’d rather go home though xx

  • The surgeon was confident that I had enough spare skin on my arm not to need to do a skin graft so I didn't have one.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Jacqui

    My melanoma was on the side of my foot so in a similar area to you.I was lucky to have the mapping in the morning and the procedure in the afternoon.The mapping was OK the only discomfort was when they injected the dye into the site of the melanoma,4 injections which were a little uncomfortable.You have to lie down in the machine for a while and I found it quite cold, so wear appropriate clothes.

    I had a graft from my thigh and lymph nodes removed from my groin.My anaethisist gave me a spinal rather than a general anaesthetic,  I wasnt expecting this, he appeared to do this for anyone who had a procedure from the waist down.It was a strange sensation and meant I was awake!!, it took a couple of hours to get the feeling back in my legs,  so it was a long day.

    You will be well bandaged up. Like me you may find walking and putting shoes on difficult for a while,  I used crutches and had to elevate my leg for a while.I had weekly visits to the wounds clinic for about 3 weeks.

    I was told the site of the graft on my thigh might be uncomfortable but apart from a bit of tingling I didn't experience great problems.The melanoma site gave me some issues with nerve pain, but 5 months down the line I am walking normally and wearing shoes as normal.

    Good luck with it going forward if I can answer anything else let me know.

  • Thank you. 
    Have you had the results of your recent breast scan yet? Fingers crossed for you xx 

  • Thank you so much for your reply … yes yours sounds pretty similar to mine .. though I’m booked in for a GA. Think I’d prefer to have an epidural .. I’ve had that for childbirth before. How long did it take to have it done … and did it freak you out being awake? Xx 

  • I'm currently away on holiday, back on Tuesday, and I rather suspect it'll be waiting on the door mat for me.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi how long did it take to get your slnb and wle results.

  • Hi .. from memory I think it was about 4 weeks 

  • I been waiting 8 weeks I'm going to call on Monday. I saw scns nurse a few weeks ago she said I would get a appointment in next to weeks and I've heard nothing.