Just diagnosed

  • 7 replies
  • 51 subscribers
  • Just diagnosed with an invasive spreading malignant melanoma with ulceration and need a wide local excision, feel so worried about this and long term implications. I’m only in my mid 20s and am a redhead so never go in the sun really, have never used a sunbed and always wear factor 50 plus and always have so feel like how could this happen…
  • Hi and welcome. I was only diagnosed in Nov with Stage 2 melanoma so it's pretty new to me too. I've just had my WLE and SLNB at the beginning of March so still recovering. I worried terribly from November to March, like you I always wore factor 50 but my melanoma was on my scalp. Where is yours? Things that helped me, I started a journal where I write down exactly how I'm feeling, I wrote all my questions down, I tried hard not to think beyond the stage I'm at, I found that hard. I took advice from this site and didn't Google. I kept myself busy. I think these things have helped because though, I'm awaiting the outcome of the SLNB my worry has decreased. It can be so overwhelming though and that's a natural response. Keep in touch and ask away, I'm sure others will respond too. This forum really helped me. Take care x

    1. Hi Romy, I’m waiting to hear fate for mine as appointment to tell me the news was Friday, I feel weirdly relieved just to know though, waiting to find out was worse than being told. I’m sorry to hear that and hope it all went ok, mine is On the top of my arm. I’ve been resisting the urge to google things. Just feel deflated as always was so careful and feel really young to have this happen. It feels nice to have a place where people can relate x
    1. Hi I have just been diagnosed with stage 2 and I'm having to go for a wide local excision as well and Im like u so many different questions and how could it happen to me as I'm only in my 20s as well and never been on a sunbed in my life 
  • Hi  

    Like you, my melanoma was ulcerated and on my arm. I had a wide local excision (WLE) and also a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB). Are you having a SLNB? Thankfully both came back with no signs of cancer so I have just had to have skin checks by my dermatologist ever since, which is 6 years now.

    There's no point wondering why this has happened to you as you'll never really know. I think it's fair to say that at some point we've all had sunburn and that is what is likely to have trigged the cells in our skin to change and become malignant. I'm now very careful in the sun, ie. cover up with trousers/long skirt, long sleeved tops and a hat and wear a SPF 50 on my face and back of hands/neck. It might be a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted but hopefully it'll prevent a recurrence.

    If you want any information about what happens when you have a WLE I'm happy to share my experience with you.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi  , I’m so sorry to hear this, it’s such an anxiety inducing time and feel really shocked and unprepared. Thanks  I would really appreciate any info about WLE, when I had the initial excision I was phoned Monday to come in the next day and when I got there was told I was having it and felt a bit traumatised by the whole thing as wasn’t prepared and am queasy with blood/needles and all things medical at the best of times, thank you! I’m also a teacher and really paranoid about the children knocking it (they are perfect arm hitting height!) after surgery, not sure how long it will need to heal as felt mine was so painful and sore after the excision

  • Hi   it is very hard to get my head around it all never thought in my life I would end up with this. I have been told by my consoltant that it could be start of next month onwards and its scared me. Mines is my leg it is on so my little one is the perfect hight to bump it and not mean to  so I know how it feels with having kids around it. 

  • If you're just having a WLE and no SLNB then it will probably be done under a local anaesthetic. Depending on the depth of the melanoma, mine was 1.45mm deep, they will take an area of either 1 or 2cm all around the original excision site. I had a 2cm area removed and ended up with an impressively large wound. However, the surgeon used dissolvable stitches so I didn't have to go and have them removed. This was a big plus for me as I'm a bit squeamish.

    I was advised to take a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen regularly for a couple of days after the operation and not to wait for it to feel painful before taking them. I followed these instructions and it did the trick. Now I had a SLNB as well, so most of the discomfort came from that so you might not need painkillers at all.

    I can't remember when my arm felt completely healed, as it was 6 years ago now, but it was uncomfortable if I knocked it or if someone accidentally knocked it for probably a couple of months after. 

    Two weeks after surgery I went for a check-up, and to get the results, and the nurse and surgeon were happy with how everything was healing. The nurse recommended that I massaged the scar area with E45 both to help the scar and also to 'teach' my skin in that area to feel again. It was a weird sensation because that area of my arm felt numb for quite a long time but gradually got better and now it's no different to any other part of my body.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"