
  • 4 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I have 3 scars on my neck, a large wound on my scalp which has a skin graft on and the skin graft site on my thigh. Operation was 3rd March. Looking for any guidance on treatment of these areas,  best creams to use and will the lumpiness in my neck eventually disappear, I had 4 nodes out. Very anxious about washing my hair, help

  • I was told once it was healed to use E45 or something like it. I think Boots also sell bio-oil which can help with scars.

    A few years on and the scars have faded to barely visible and you can only see the skin graft due to the slight colour difference.

    I was surprised at how much they've settled down and E45 is now a daily routine for me.

  • Thanks, that's helpful. It's early days I know but I'm just anxious particularly around the skin graft

  • Hi Romy60, I've heard of some research which says we shouldn't use Bio-Oil anymore.  Sorry but I can't remember more than that.  I just used any plainish moisturiser I had and it's fading anyway.  Can your skin nurse specialist be of help with your   questions? 

    The scar will fade quite a bit in time and with some very gentle massage after the wounds have healed the lumps and bumps will go too.  X

  • Thanks, I hadn't heard that about Bio oil. I'm back at the hospital on Friday so I'll ask then