Axillary dissection plus wide local excision

  • 8 replies
  • 50 subscribers
  • Just received date for my op ... March 30th. Expecting to stay for 2-3 days. Not concerned about the actual op, it's just what to expect once back on the ward.  It's the silly small things that worry me like can you get out of bed the same day to go to the loo, are the drains easy to move with etc.  Hoping someone has had this op recently and could let me know their experience. 
  • Hello dragonlady70, I had my op in the summer of 2021. I had a mole on my arm so I also had the nodes in my armpit (axilla) removed. My surgeon  only took out 3, the sentinel node (which is the first one the mole drains to and identified by scan/ dye) plus one either side of it.  Research has shown that unless there is a medical reason for it there's no need to take out all the nodes as it can impair drainage afterwards and does not alter the outcome of the spread.  It being  in the sentinel node at all is what increases the staging and not how many of your nodes have malignant cells in them.    I had no drains, was a day case only and could easily walk about after I'd woken up properly. I needed a hand to get my bra on plus a lovely dose of oramorph for soreness was good. I would wear a non- wired bra for comfort hon and easy tops to put on and off.  No deodorant under the affected arm at all.  I wish you well for the op and don't hesitate to ask anything.  We say here that there are no silly questions!  Take care and keep us up to date x

  • Appreciate reply. From what I understand from my ultrasound biopsy, the offending node is very deep and my surgeon said for the best outcome, taking all the nodes is the best way to go. I started doing research but there is so much conflicting information, I have stopped looking.  Just going with the flow now. x

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I haven't had an axillary dissection, just a sentinel lymph node biopsy, so I've had a look in the group for previous posts which mention this and found these for you to have a look through. Some of them are quite old but I've tagged the most recent poster,  , into this reply and hope that they will drop in and share their experience with you.


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  • Hi. Much appreciated.  I wish it was the bigger issues that worried me and not the silly little things. Hey ho, that's life. x

  • I certainly don't think that having an operation is a 'silly little thing' so please don't beat yourself up that you're worrying about it.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Dragonlady70, I had my op just over 12 months ago in February 2022, I had all lymph nodes removed from under both armpits as they were enlarged. My initial melanoma mole had been removed in 2017 as 'in situ' but obviously had already spread at that time, hence the op 4 years later. 

    I was in hospital for 6 nights the first night was obviously the most difficult as needed help to get up to go to the loo, but the drains, I had two each side, were reasonably mobile and I just carried them about once I was able. Sleeping was odd as had to sleep on my back with the drain bottles each side of the bed and it was quite funny trying to sit up and not tangle the drain pipes. You will probably need help for a couple of days, but I was soon managing myself. At 5 days one drain each side was taken out which made it much easier. Must admit was quite nervous of having them removed but honestly didn't feel a thing. I was expecting pain from the wounds but to be honest it was minimal and more discomforting than actually painful.

    When it came time to be released the bottles were removed and a stomer bag attached and stuck to my body which made things so much easier you just have to empty it yourself but you are shown what to do and its all very straightforward. It does take a while to get back to normal, you will need to rest and let others do all the work (make the most of it) It took me a good six weeks, and I didn't start driving again for about 8 weeks. The final drains were removed at about 10,14 days after the op, it all depends on how much liquid is draining. Its now over 12 months the scars have faded I am still quite numb under both arms and that will not improve. Have also so far been lucky and have had no lymphedema problems.

    Unfortunately a few months later it was noted the melanoma had moved to grade 4 and was found in my neck and intestines so another op sorted that out and I am glad to say my last scan was completely clear. Still on immunotherapy and being well monitored but fingers crossed I'm over the worst and feeling great.

    Good luck with your op there is light at the end, just keep positive .

    If you need any further info just let me know.

  • Wow, both armpits, one is bad enough.  Surgeon thinks I will be out after 2 days but that can all change. Glad to hear the worse is over and you're feeling great. Fingers crossed my surgery goes smoothly. 

  • Stay positive and all the best hope all goes well for you x