Question about dabrafenib/trametinib

  • 2 replies
  • 49 subscribers

So I understand what they both do and why you take them both together.

I was just wondering that hypothetically if after my wle and positive slnb there was some melanoma cells still present in my body, would the treatment simply be stopping or slowing the potential growth of these cells until I stop taking them in 12 months???

I Know the likelihood of even having a recurrence is something like 17/100 but still I have my worries. 

I will probably ask the nurse team about this when I see them next but thought I would see if others had the answer.  

  • Hi  

    I can't help with any personal experience but I noticed that you hadn't had any replies yet.

    I've found this information on the Macmillan website about dabrafenib and trametinib, although it doesn't exactly answer your question.

    If you don't get any replies from others here who are on this combination, you could post your question in the ask a nurse section of the online community and one of the specialist nurses will reply within 3 working days.


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  • Hi Jed

    My partner was given dab and tram when his scan showed 3 tumours had appeared in his liver, lung and chest areas.

    After 10 weeks it had removed 2 tumours and reduced the 3rd. Unfortunately he developed severe side effects which hospitalised him early 2022.

    Some people can tolerate the treatment for longer, it differs from person to person.

    If you read my profile you can see his history and current situation and treatments. Hope this helps

    Best wishes Margyy