Recovery from WLN

  • 2 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi all,

Yesterday I had a nuclear liquide injected around my t1b melanoma biopsy site on top of my head early in the morning to determine which lymph nodes would be suspect. WLN was performed a few hours later and the ENT was able to remove all cancerous tissue and didn't have to remove any lymph nodes. During a second opinion with a different dermatologist; he suggested I have a gene test performed on the biopsy to determine the risk of cancer spreading and the test came back with a very low risk of reoccurrence. The ENT was able to determine an SLNB was not warranted and was able to close the incision without a skin graft from my shoulder. My incision is about 6" long in a Z pattern.

I cannot bend over for the next two weeks while my head heals and redressing the wound 3-4 times a day as it is still draining. I'm currently taking Tylenol for pain.

I had an added bonus of a forehead and eyebrow lift. Lol

  • Hi  

    Good to hear that the surgeon is confident that they've removed all the cancerous tissue and that you didn't need a skin graft.

    I hope you start to feel more comfortable soon.


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  • Thank you latchbrook,

    Day 2 after surgery and have transitioned away from Hydrocodone to Tylenol for pain relief. Hardest part is having to sleep in the upright position and not bending over for the next few weeks.
