Recovering from a biopsy and skin graft

  • 4 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi Everyone 

I was diagnosed with melanoma and had a biopsy at the beginning of November 2022 followed by a skin graft on 16th January.

I am getting in touch to ask how long it will be before the spikes of pain stop coming and when will the donor site start to look more normal - at the moment it is still very red and raw looking.

Any advice gratefully accepted.

Thank you.

  • Hi Kate_B123 and welcome to this forum where we hope to share our experiences to support others.  I see you've had no replies for 2 days so I thought I'd pop on and try and reassure you as best I can. 

    I see you were only diagnosed in November plus you've had a skin graft recently.    It's natural to be having some odd feelings still from your operation,  aches, pains, soreness, numbness, some jabs of pain could possibly be due to nerves mending.  As for the skin graft/donor site, I don't personally have experience of that as I didn't need one but I know others on here have and hopefully they will share their knowledge but I do know they talked about months for healing to occur completely- both the graft and the donor site too.  

    I hope you've been given a skin nurse specialist to contact with any worries and you will have your wounds checked and redressed regularly so maybe you can share your concerns with whoever you see.  You haven't said where your skin graft donor site is but if it's from an area that moves a lot in daily life then it will perhaps hurt a little more.  

    Take care x

  • Dear Friend, Thank you so much for your honest reply.  
    I have in the last two days had my mind put to rest by two hospital visits, yesterday to the cancer nurse who reassured me that there are no more dodgy moles at present and other skin graft area is healing slowly.

    Thank you for taking time to reply to me.

  • Hi 

    My WLE on my thigh required a skin graft too, and I since I took a great deal of notes and pics following the surgery, I can tell that in my case I was able to get back to  my very physical job seven weeks later, largely pain free.

    The bee sting type sensations at the WLE site continued for quite sometime, and my consultant was pleased as she said this was my nerves reconnecting themselves. 

    My skin graft donor site changed from pomegranate red to mild pink in about three months but it was sometime before it faded to a similar colour to the rest of my leg.  It remains a few shades lighter to this day and as it was done five years ago, I don't expect this to change. I used Vitamin E45 to reduce the dryness and keep it supple for the first few months which helped a great deal.

    Take care


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Hi

    I only joined today 

    I had a skin graft on 11th January, it has changed from purple to pink and now has a paler border around it, mine is on my thigh

    I had much less issues with the donor site than the melanoma site itself.

    I had a couple of weeks with quite a lot of pain, nerve jangling!!

    It started to.improve into week 3/4 it was always worse at night, when watching TV etc, sometimes it really made me jump!!.

    Mine was on my foot.I still get the odd twinge but it is much improved.Every day there is some improvement

    Good luck with your recovery