Light sensitivity in eyes and headaches on immunotherapy - ipilimumab and nivolumab

  • 1 reply
  • 49 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I'm 3 cycles into having immunotherapy (ipilimumab and nivolumab) and have just developed a new side effect of light sensitivity in my eyes.

This is making my eyes sore in bright light outside and electric lights inside. Reading using my phone screen is almost impossible. I can handle a dimmed computer screen.

I am also having ongoing headaches.

Anyone got any direct experience of this happening or knowledge of what can be done to make it better, please?

NB I am already wearing dark glasses, resting my eyes and using regular normal painkillers. I am also having an urgent head MRI to investigate, so the hospital have got their bit in hand, I'm just wanting to see if anyone else has directly experienced this and has any tips for me. 

Thank you!




    Hi Susi

    Your side effects sound very unpleasant and I wish I could offer some tips but haven't experienced this myself. I have searched the group for previous threads which mention "light sensitivity" but drawn a blank I'm afraid.

    I do hope the hospital can get to the bottom of what's causing this.


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