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  • 49 subscribers


I have just received my results from my WLE & SLNB from December 

My SLNB was Clear which I am over the moon about, I'm  so pleased I took the option to have it done as my WLE unfortunately has came back positive and like my original excision only has small clearance 

I have spoken to my CNS and my surgeon is going to see me next week, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience, I believe they are possibly going to do another WLE

Any advice appreciated  

  • I’ve just had a clear SLNB and WLE but margins were bigger this time and I’ve quite a scar on my thigh. You got this, try and stay positive - it’s been traced and will be dealt with quickly xxx

  • Thankyou for your support its a huge weight off that its not in my nodes, hopefully if we do another WLE I will have the bigger margins and it will be piece of mind that we haven't missed anything.

    Great News on your all clear Slight smile  it must be a huge relief, I noticed in your all clear post you asked about 3 month check I have my 1st check next Friday which is exactly 3 months from my original diagnosis I will let you know how it goes.

    Thanks xx

  • My appointments just come though for the 27th jan actually so that’s a bonus - let me know how you get on xxx

  • Hi Midnight22 I had my 3 month check on Friday and everything went really well, they basically check everywhere no mole or mark was left out, I have 8 moles we are keeping an eye on and none of them have changed since 3 months ago which is a great relief Slight smile  the CNS team are great and nothing is a problem so if you have anything to ask at your appointment they will give you great advice, I have just received my next 12 week check and they have a team in my local community hospital 10 mins away so that's where I'm going to be going for the rest of my reviews, obviously I don't know how far you travel but it might be worth asking if there is anything closer

    I'm seeing the surgeon tomorrow so fingers crossed he has a plan 

    All the best for your review 


  • This is great to know thankyou - my first derm app is on Friday at our local hospital xx