Lump from stiches 1 year after SLNB?

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi everyone,

my sister got diagnosed with stage 2 melanoma one year ago (Jan 22), she had a WLE to remove the melanoma from her thigh and a sentinel lymph node biopsy in the groin area which came back negative.

a month ago, she went for a regular GP check up, the GP noticed a lump in her groin where she had the biopsy, and advised her to see her oncologist for an MRI of the lymph nodes. After this GP appointment my sister went to see her oncologist(one of the best in town), the oncologist examined her and told her that an MRI is not needed, and that the lump is caused by SLNB stiches  and then he told her not to worry and that everything is fine.

I tried to google but couldnt find info on internal stiches for lymph node biopsy. I know we should trust the oncologist but I am worried that a swollen lymph node is mistaken for an internal stich after SLNB.  Anyone had similar symptoms ? / opinion on the subject?

Your answers would be really helpful, as I am really worried the cancer is back in her lymph nodes.

thanks in advance Slight smile

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It's natural that your sister should be worried when she recently found a lump in her groin as we're all told to check our lymph nodes on a regular basis.

    I had a WLE and SLNB but I couldn't say for definite if I had both internal and external stitches to close the wounds as it was 6 years ago now. The only way your sister will know for sure is to contact her surgeon and ask, as different surgeons have different techniques.

    Let us know how she gets on


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  • Thank you very much. I will let you know;

    Slight smile


  • It could be a keloid, it happens after surgery sometimes, I was told to massage it when applying scar cream x

  • Thank you very much Slight smile