1 week post surgery - Wide local excision & sentinel lymph node biopsy - South Wales

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It's now 8 days post Wide Local Excision of the tumour site on my back (another 1.6cm taken on top of the previous 0.4cm surgery) & Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy surgery (2 X lymph nodes removed) from under the arm pit area.

Have last night had the dressings changed by my doting partner who's been absolutely amazing throughout this whole ordeal all year. I'm very happy with the way things are visually looking and how they're healing. Obviously still all very painful at the multiple surgery sites but also somewhat tender across into one of 'the girls' and along the underarm but all to be expected. The painkillers take some of the edge off. Minimal swelling throughout this last week which I'm also very thankful for. I'm hopeful for a continued good recovery and getting back to the norm Slight smile

The surgeon said he'd had to mess up my tattoo a little especially the eye (she's looking much slimmer in the face than she used to!). I reckon a pirate style black eye patch coverup will sort her eye area out once all is soft and healed. Arrrrrgh me hearties Skull crossbones️ Joy raise the anchor and let's set sail for better days Grin


Initial doctors appointment, Cardigan Health Centre - 5th May 2022

Hospital referral, Prince Philip Hospital, Llanelli - 7th June 2022

Narrow local excision, Prince Philip Hospital, Llanelli - 25th June 2022

NLE results, Prince Philip Hospital, Llanelli. Informed stage 2-3 without surgery, 1b with surgery. Post-surgery staging expected to be 1a  - 20th July 2022

Surgeon meet for WLE & SLNB chat, (Sarah Hemington-Gorse Morriston Hospital, Swansea - 14th September 2022

Bloods and surgery pre-assessment, Morriston Hospital, Swansea - 17th October 2022

Lymph node mapping, Singleton Hospital, Swansea - 27th October 2022

Surgery 2nd procedure WLE & SLNB, Mr Cubitt, Port Talbot Hospital - 28th October 2022

  • Hi Clare,

    Very Interested to hear about your journey, which has been very similar to my own.  Mine also started with a mole on my back (June 22) which was removed (July 22).  This was followed by a 2cm WLE and SLNB (Sept 22), which unfortunately came back positive.

    It has taken several weeks for the WLE area to heal and at times it has been quite painful.  This has made sleeping at night sometimes difficult, but I found paracetamol was very helpful.  I had been given some stronger codeine / paracetamol pain killers but did not need to use them.

    The area near my armpit from the SLNB healed up faster than the WLE and apart from a bit of itching has not cause any bother.  I have a thin scar about 3” long. It is not very noticeable and I am not planning on being bare chested at the beach / in the water ever again anyway!  Long sleeve rash vests are now strictly order of the day for me, year round, from now on.

    You presumably have a few weeks to wait for the results of the SLNB?  Naturally This can be a worrying time but think positive and it sounds that you have had very swift treatment, which can only be a good thing.  Because my SLNB came back positive I am now at stage 3B and have just started immunotherapy (Nivolumab).  First treatment was yesterday. My CT scans were all clear and hopefully the Nivolumab will mop up any stray particles.  Too early to tell if any side effects yet but with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet I am hoping these will be minimal, if any.

     Wishing you Fair Winds and Following seas for your pirate ship voyage Sailboat

    All the best