3a melanoma

  • 6 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi everyone, back in June I was diagnosed with a 1b melanoma 1.1mm 

The NHS in NI were not offering the lymph node biospy so I paid to have this done privately.

I had this along with WLE and skin graft back in August. Graft and donor site are doing well although I am having terrible problems with seroma in my groin biospy. Now on antibiotics and have had it drained 3 times but it just keeps refilling Pensive

Unfortunately one of my lymph nodes came back positive with 0.3mm deposit. I am awaiting an appointment with the oncologist but am really worried they will not offer me any treatment. Has anyone else been offered immunotherapy as stage 3a?

Thanks in advance

  • Hi there is your appointment in Belfast ? 

  • I was there last week with my husband for first appointment if I can help you in anyway with questions 

  • Thank you. Do you mind me asking what stage your husband is and what treatment they are offering? I had to go private to get the SLNB and the consultant is recommending Nivalumab but I'm now moving back to the NHS and I'm worried they won't offer me any as it was a small deposit in the lymph node. The NHS wouldn't do the SLNB for me even though it was recommended for my original stage of 1B.

    Did it take long to get the appointment with the oncologist? The waiting is the worst Pensive

  • Hello Clayoh,

    I know this post is from 2 years ago, but wondering how is everything for you since then?

    Did you had treatment in the end?

    I has something similar, a 1B stage, with 0.2mm of active cells in one lymph node.

    However for me they told me I won't have treatment, just surveilance every 4 months with ultrasound.

    Curious how you are doing.



  • Hey!

    So with really small deposits in the lymph node there is still a lot of debate whether to get treatment or just monitor and observe. I have a feeling I had found some research saying advisable over 0.3mm and above. So I was adamant I was having the treatment . I had the SLNB in ROI and they told me if I was being treated in Ireland i would definitely get treatment, however as I was based in NI they very much said it was up to me. Had 6 sessions of immunotherapy which initially was OK but then ended up in hospital quite ill twice with Colitis. I was then on steroids for 7 months just finished in Feb this year. Finally 2 years later I have turned the corner. Who knows if my scans without treatment would still be all clear but I have to say I was quite unlucky with the side effects. I wish you well!