Treatment decisions

  • 6 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hi new to this group, recently diagnosed Stage 3B metastatic melanoma and after months of scans got to see Oncologist yesterday and need to make decision re immunotherapy or targeted therapy as prevention. Veering towards immunotherapy but my mum has auto immune issues so I might be higher risk, yet DAB/Tram feels will be more intrusive on everyday life -  all feels a bit Russian roulette! Just wondering how others went about making this decision…

  • Hi Twitchie,

    My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3B melanoma but we didn’t get a choice of treatment it was just recommended that we have the immunotherapy drug Pembro. We’re into 8th treatment now, it’s been a bit of a rocky road but glad we are nearly at the end. Don’t know how you should decide, personally I would rather the oncologist make the decision for me. Hope all goes well.

  • I am just behind your husband I am due dose 7 of 9 in two weeks time but like you guys I wasn’t given a choice. Pembro recommendation for me too and the finishing  line is in sight x 

    1. My partner has been on DAB/TRAM since 1st December for melanoma 3C in one lymph node. He was only offered this medication as he is BRAF gene positive and this targeted treatment is the best because of that mutated gene. He was told immunotherapy would not be an option because of the gene. It is intrusive because of the times you have to take it and I will not lie has been a rollercoaster, he’s had hard times with the side affects but we believe we are winning. Good luck with whatever you decide. 
  • Thanks NannyStan - interesting he got that advice as I also have the BRAF gene but got offered both and advised as good as each other. Anyways decision made as with family history of autoimmune conditions Consultant advised drug therapy in the end and due to start next week. Sorry to hear your husband and you had some rough times hopefully you can see some light at the end of the tunnel now. Good luck with the final stages 

  • It does seem so unfair to have to chose I had my operation in Australia they just wanted to go with Dab Tran as I am braf+ as well . When I got back to the UK they offered both. so I went Dab Tran .

    over two years on then then all clear so glad I did clear for over a year now.

    Side affects shivers just get warm quick , E45 itch cream.

    Best of luck to you all Just had 6 month ct & mri scans and fingers crossed.


  • I'm stage 3a melanoma. Braf pos. Was told about targeted therapy being an option but oncologist suggested immunotgerapy be better for me. I'm due 7th infusion of 9 in a couple of weeks. Few minor side effects but otherwise life is normal. Able to work and look after the kids etc.  Chemo unit are fabulous and addresses any issues from treatment promptly.  Would recommend pembrolizumab immunotherapy.