SLNB and lymph node underarm

  • 7 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi all

not having a good day today I had a 1b removed from above my knee 23 aug. Diagnosed 1b 6 Oct. Was told 6 weeks to see plastic surgeon. 5 months later I eventually saw her yesterday to talk WLE and SLNB. I was unsure if I wanted the SLNB but was going to take her advice and what she thought.

She advised to have it as my melanoma was “very active” when removed. My consultant had not explained this to me back in October. And if that was the case why was I left for 5 months!! Blames covid. My first 3 month check last month was done by telephone (sigh). She said that for 1b there is a 15% chance lymph nodes would be positive.

im obviously going to have the SLNB now after hearing this will be mid April (again sigh)

she also found a small raised lymph node in my left armpit. I had done my monthly checks last Sunday but I didn’t notice it. But to be honest I still can’t find it this morning. My underarm and my groin is quite sore this morning after all the digging around yesterday. She asked did it hurt when she was looking but it didn’t. She is requesting an ultrasound on my underarm. She said it could be nothing might have nicked myself shaving. I had a really stressful day in work the day before. Could that have an impact?

so all in all I’m feeling really down this morning. I’ve managed to carry on as normal as possible since august with the daily 5 minute freak out, breathe, carry on type of day haven’t taken any time off from a particularly manic stressful job thanks to an amazing colleague who’s so supportive. But today is maybe take a rest and have some me time

  • Hi

    I'm sorry to read how down you're feeling at the moment but it's completely understandable. I had to wait about 10 weeks from diagnosis to having my WLE and SLNB so I do understand how anxious you probably feel. Mine was Stage 2a at diagnosis and thankfully stayed the same after my SLNB as no cancer cells were found in the lymph nodes.

    Last time my consultant checked my lymph nodes in my armpits they were sore for a few days afterwards. I think it's probably because they press a lot harder than we do when checking. Having no medical training myself I don't know if stress can cause a lymph node to swell but it sounds like your consultant is being thorough having requested that you have an ultrasound. 

    I'm glad to hear that you have an amazingly supportive colleague. It can make a huge difference to how you cope when people around you understand that you might not always be feeling 100% emotionally as well as physically.

    Do come back and let us all know the results of your ultrasound and SLNB


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    thanks for your reply and understanding. 
    yeah they were pressing very hard they were so lovely and kept apologising.,the one lady did my underarm twice and then the surgeon repeated the same. I still can’t feel anything there this morning but I’m not pressing as hard! But yeah they are being thorough which is good

    i am extremely lucky to have such a good friend yes.


  • Hi folks. Just had a wide excision plus skin flap on 1A melanoma on right forearm, and a sentinel lymph node removed for biopsy, the results of which should come back in a couple of weeks. Great treatment at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Newcastle, and I'm just so grateful to have been seen in these strange times. Bruised and a bit sore, but staying positive. 

  • Hi JannAA,

    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down.  It can be a drawn out process for sure.  In an ideal world we'd have the mole removed, start some immunotherapy immediately ( just in case) whilst we have our scans and surgery (WLE and SLNB) and all this to be done in a month!  Sadly our NHS, whilst mostly wonderful, can't work that quickly plus the pandemic which has slowed everything down.  It is a worry when we feel the waiting time might give the cancer more chance to spread and I've seen a few people on here mention that worry.   

    Even so 5 months is a very long time for an OPA when you've been told 6 weeks!  I might be tempted to find out more about the delay...there are NICE guidelines for treating melanomas plus more guidelines in the doctors own governing body I think.  

    Yes soreness after being prodded is normal, when I had my first examination the doctor was so excited that I could have melanoma! that she picked and prodded then got the consultant who was more gentle but did the same- ouch for a couple of weeks afterwards. So JannAA treat yourself, look after yourself, enjoy the small things, if possible let the docs know you are up for taking a cancellation appt if one comes up sooner than mid April, remind them how long you've been waiting!

    There's so many backlogs for treatment so keep pushing yourself forward hon, don't just wait for them, remind them of their "duty of care", you are special and need special treatment now!


  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is an informative and supportive place to be.

    My melanoma was in a very similar place to yours, in my case upper left arm. I too had a WLE and SLNB and know how stressful it can be waiting for the results.

    I noticed that you haven't joined the melanoma group yet. The advantage to doing this is that you can start your own posts and you'll also receive notifications when people respond to anything that you've posted.

    This link talks you through how to join a group depending on what device you are using but if you need further help just reply to my post and I'll be pleased to help.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Sending hope and positivity to you ThumbsupThumbsup

  • Hi!

    thanks for the lovely reply it was very helpful. I’ve actually now got a date. 7th April for the nuclear scan and WLE and SLNB the next day. Still waiting on an ultrasound but at least things are moSneezing faceng. I feel a lot more hopeful than I did the other day I spoke to my lovely SCNS. Gave me some good advice. Just want it done now. Been suffering with a stinker of a cold for last few days but negatSneezing facee for covid. Just get rid of the last lingering snottiness Sneezing face x