Nivolumab immunotherapy side effects

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi my husband has been on nivolumab for 6 months now but the past few weeks he has struggled with fatigue and  breathlessness he is due he's scan next week so hasn't bothered to tell his team about the side effects daft I know but he won't be told! I am just wondering if anyone else has had these side effects with this treatment? My husband is on immunotherapy for bowel cancer I am part of the bowel cancer group but was told more people on this group are on immunotherapy than the bowel cancer group so I may get more responses from here.

  • Hi Hayleyc89, I’m sorry to hear about your husband.

    I had Pembrolizumab as my immunotherapy it is often said that Nivo and Pembro  are very similar but by different manufacturers. I have never had breathlessness with it but nearly every dose I had some tiredness for a few day, where I felt I was doing everything at half pace, not bad enough for me to use the word fatigue. I’m no longer on it but had 57 doses over the 5 or 6 years I had it, I know some cancers were (or are) limited to 2 years on immunotherapy I’m not sure which ones. I found ifI tried to plough on through tiredness it took me longer about 4 days to recover so I just did less for a couple of days after the infusion and then carried on, it got quiet regular until nearer the end when it seemed to stop working for me.

    Good luck with the scan and results.

    Take care KT

    • Thank you for replying to me. My husband is constantly tired he never has a day where he feels he has energy I noticed this morning when he was putting our little boys coat on he became exhausted and had to sit down I have gone over his head and emailed he's nurse as I am very worried so hopefully she will be intouch soon xx