Dab and Tram side effects

  • 4 replies
  • 49 subscribers

My fiancé was doing really well after 2 months on Dab and Tram, and his first scan showed the tumours in his lung and liver had gone, and the tumour in a lymph node in his chest had reduced. Just after he started getting a cough, then the shivering and shaking started on Christmas Eve, he couldn't eat much of his Christmas dinner and in the afternoon the shivering, shaking started again followed by feeling hot red face and sweating, and a temperature of 38°.

We couldn't get through on his cancer hotline, so gave him paracetamol, and later ibuprofen which helped. Boxing day 7am he started again with the shivering, shaking then hot and high temperature. I got through to his hotline who advised immediate A& E admission. He is currently in hospital now with pneumonia and we are very worried. His cancer team are back in the office on 29th so hoping to get more advice about whether this is a side effect, whether he can continue with Dab and Tram....... Again its the waiting that's worst.

  • Hi Margyy, I’m sorry to read this after your husband’s good scan news, you must have been on cloud nine and now slumped and worried by the side effects and pneumonia. I’m saddened you couldn’t get through on the 24/7 number that we are all given, I think they might have recommended a few days break from tablets while his temperature went down or an earlier trip to A&E, they can also reduce the dose, so doesn’t mean he will be off the tablets permanently when he comes out just that they will find a way to manage side effects.

    Hang on to the fact that the dab tram has been doing a good job and I hope your husband is back with you out of hospital soon. You spoke to , on an earlier post and they mentioned their husband’s side effects, I wonder if it was similar. 

    I’ve never experienced pneumonia myself, I had the flu and pneumonia jab the first winter I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma on the teams recommendation. I can understand you must be worried about him being away, at my last hospital stay in October they said it was 48 hours in hospital before you could have visitors due to covid protection. I hope your husband’s health picks up soon and he is soon back with you.

    Margyy, I have a request to make that you complete your profile to remind us who reply to you a bit about what brings you to the community, it helps us do a better reply and can mean you don’t have to repeat a lot. To do that you click on your user name, edit profile is then on the right you put a few details and then press the save button. 

    Take care KT

  • KTathome Thanks for response and advice. I will have a look at the profile and update it .Hopefully he will be at home soon with antibiotics and can speak to his cancer team tomorrow. 

  • Sorry to hear this, yes my husband's side effects were just like this in the first few months, they did ease off a little as time went on, and they did lower his dose as well, so he doesn't necessarily have to stop taking them, sending love to you & wishing your husband a speedy recovery xxx

  • Thanks for your response, its such a rollercoaster, started May 2019.  Hoping for a better new year, best wishes to you and your husband.