
  • 8 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi all,

I think I seriously under estimated the recovery time for a WLE and SLNB. I clearly didn’t take in what the surgeon was saying before hand. 

My wounds are healing well but the pain and soreness hasn’t changed a huge amount in the 12 days since. My WLE is right over the main muscle in my right forearm…. every time I use my hand I can feel flickers of pain… even as I type this. The SLNB under my arm…. Still can’t reach up or out very far. Went to the wounds clinic today and they’re happy with the progress. 

I just wanted to say to you all, however positive you are, and I’m doing pretty good on that front, it is still quite an operation. Take time, relax, go slow.

I had hoped to be at work on 1st November, 3.5 weeks since my op, beginning to think that isn’t going to be happening. 

  • Hi spanielmumma, thanks so much for that info as I’m having the same procedures on 10th November and I reckoned I would be off work for 2 weeks but I’m honestly in no rush to return. 
    I know everyone’s healing time is different but it’s good to have a guide line. 
    wishing you a speedy recovery Heart️‍ 

  • I felt really good the evening it was done and the next day, hardly any pain. The third day I slept all day. Since then my bruising is  doing well and the wounds themselves are healing brilliantly but I had no idea about the pains shooting through the wounds and the pain around my arm, nowhere near the wound sites.

    I have spent the past 12 days being very careful with the wound under my arm… had underwear on day and night for fear of stitches struggling on the skin under my arm.

    Not even tried driving yet, can’t move my arm anywhere near enough to be safe.

    Take it slowly. Take your time. I think it all depends on where the WLE and SLNB are. Some places can be very tight and painful, thinner skin, directly into a main muscle. Go slow, be kind to yourself.

  • Hi Spanielmumma, 

    My experience is quite similar. I am now on the 27th day of my operation and it got gradually better over time. My WLE was in my knee. After the op had to wear compression socks for two weeks. When nurse told me I didn't believe her and asked for the doc to confirm. I think it shows how lightly I took it! 

    I am walking ok but slower than usual and can't bend my knee fully yet, so can't take the stairs as usual. I have ben signed off for 2 weeks initially, than extended for further 4 weeks by my GP.  So it's a slow progress but getting there.

    Be patient and try to relax, if you can, extend the sick note to allow yourself to recover fully. 

  • Thanks for your advice means a lot and wishing you a speedy healthy recovery

  • Hi

    I just thought I'd mention that I recovered really quickly, just so that you know that is also possible.

    I had the WLE on my upper arm and the SLNB in my armpit. When I attended the clinic for my results and wound checks two weeks later both sites were healing well and I only had a little discomfort. I could certainly have gone back to work if it wasn't for the fact that I'd retired.


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  • I think you’re absolutely right. Recovery is very different for different people and also what they do on an average day.

    Having two autistic teens, being main career for my elderly mum who lives in our town and a teacher, my normal is quite full on and physically demanding. However, things are getting better every day, wounds are healing and I’m so impressed by every Dr, nurse and NHS worker I’ve met on the way…. They are all miracles.

    A speedy recovery to you all!!

  • Yes I was lucky . I'd 'retired' so didn't have any pressure to get back to work and my husband did all the jobs around the house for the first week and most of them during the second week too.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • My husband and my boys have been great but I’ve been very conscious to keep things looking normal for my sons… I’m now back helping with cooking, cleaning etc very gently and with  my good arm. When they’re not home my husband is doing most things still…. He’s a cracker! 
    Normal is very important for us, many sleepless nights asking if I’m going to die have happened with my 17 year old over the past few months.