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I think I’ve got myself into a bit of a cause and effect scenario and just wanted to talk to people who have been in this situation.

I was diagnosed 25/08/21 with stage 1a MM measuring 0.8mm Breslow depth. I’ve got my surgery booked for WLE on 27/09/21. The surgeon and SCNS have both been very optimistic that surgery will be a cure and I feel relieved but have started to struggle with anxiety in the last week or so. 

After I had the initial biopsy I developed a headache, it wasn’t severe but it was there off and on for a few weeks. Once I’d wrongly convinced myself everything would be fine and I’d waited for so long I couldn’t possibly have melanoma the headache vanished. In the last week or so the headaches have come back and again they are not particularly bad, just niggling off and on most of the day. My SCNS is currently on holiday until Tuesday so I can’t contact her about it so I made an appointment with a GP, not my usual unfortunately, who said he strongly believed it was migraines, gave me some medication and sent me on my way.

I feel like it probably is just due to the anxiety as it went away for so long and has come back since my diagnosis and I’ve got myself in a stew but I can’t help but think of the what ifs? I feel like I’m being ridiculous as the odds are in my favour but I also know the huge potential for spread with melanoma. 

Sorry I feel this post has been a bit long and rambling, I’m not sure what I’m after really, just a listening ear I think. 

  • Hi

    It's perfectly normal to worry that anything you notice wrong with your body after you've had a melanoma diagnosis means that the cancer has spread. We all do it. After all our bodies have let us down big time. For me this was the first time anything major had ever happened and I'm guessing that it is for you too. In the past we'd have just shrugged the niggling pain or headache off but it's not so easy now.

    Give your SCNS a call on Tuesday and talk through how you're feeling both physically and mentally with her. I have always found mine really helpful and supportive.

    Let me know how you get on


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  • Thank you for your reply. It is the first real health issue I’ve ever had and I’m still trying to process it and the littlest thing winds me up. I caught my underarm reaching up into the wardrobe and it was sore for a few days and I was convinced it was a lymph node.

    I spoke to a lovely Macmillan nurse this afternoon who reassured me that it was most probably stress and to maybe ask my GP for a beta blocker to see if that can help. I do genuinely believe it is anxiety as I’ve had anxiety issues in the past when my eldest boy had a few operations within a couple of months. 

    I will speak to my SCNS on Tuesday, I am feeling quite anxious about the surgery too and I have a couple of questions about that too.