Lymph nodes drain

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  • 50 subscribers

After 3 weeks of draining between 500 and 600 mls a day clinic has now put me on free drainage instead off vacuum , only thing when I got home from clinic today I am leaking fluid where my tube comes out my leg ! This happened once before when vacuum went off , before I changed bottles that stopped. But if I am no longer on vacuum will this leaking  continue? 

  • Hello Betful

    Yes this happened to me too, except my leg swelled up with fluid and became tight and painful. They put me back on the vacuum for another week then said they have to remove it to avoid infection. When everything was removed I leaked through the wound for a day or so but then everything settled down. 
    Call the dressings team and see what they say. I found my team brilliant - reassuring and squeezed me in twice when I had problems. 
    Just as an after thought, I did leak in the same place as you when my tube became blocked. This may be the reason. 
    I hope it all clears up for you very soon.  Sending a big hug. You’re a superwoman! X

  • Thank you so much dafodil59 you’re so reassuring, I’ve redressed it again this morning, and put a new bottle on, which didn’t need doing! I’ve tried to find a better direction for the tube to lie, and it doesn’t seem to be as bad although it ids still leaking a bit but draining into bottle as well ,I will phone the dressing team ? I hope all is well with you take care! X

  • Hello Betful

    Just checking in to see how you are now. Has the fluid stopped draining? Any idea when the drain will be removed? I hope you’re coping ok. You might want to ask to be referred to the lymphodema specialists next time you see your team/surgeon. It took 3 months before I got an appointment, but they were and still are so helpful and supportive and gave me all sorts of advice to help prevent Lymohodema setting in. You may also want to ask your GP for physio too once all the drain and tube paraphernalia is out and you’ve healed up. The physio I had was during lockdown, but she came to my house and took me through gentle exercises - no touching. I felt safer doing exercises through her knowing I wouldn’t do further damage. I now have all my movement and flexibility back, although in the beginning I never thought I would. 
    Anyway, sending you a big hug and hope that you’re on the mend. xx

  • Thank you daffodil59, big hugs back to you, I have got leaks under control now, and stopped panicking 

    the fluid levels appear to be lessened, so hopefully I’ll be able to have drain out, thanks for advice about physio, that’s seems a really good idea! I’m not very mobile to start with, so every little bit will help ,I hope you are keeping well x

  • Just an update! After my last conversation, I was feeling quite ill , and was sent back to hospital, I had cellulitis, and infected seroma after 10 days in hospital they put another drain in! And sent home a week later, I have been to dressing clinic twice now and see consultant next week for follow up appointment, nurse said this week that as I’m still draining a lot of fluid after it will be 4 weeks she doesn’t know what he has planned as it can’t stay in to long! I  a bit worried, does anyone had this problem I’m still draining 450 a day thanks 

  • Hello Betful

    Goodness! You have been through the wars haven’t you. I’m so sorry. Hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon. 
    I can’t really advise you about the drain. Maybe you could try speaking to your nurse specialist? 
    I’m guessing you’re feeling pretty fed up. Have you arranged for some counselling, either through Macmillan, your GP or through your hospital? It made all the difference to me to be able to talk to someone who knew what I was feeling. 
    Once they’ve sorted you out and you stop losing fluid, life will be better. You’ve been very unlucky but this can’t last forever. We all heal in our own time and our own ways. 
    Sending you a big hug - remember you’re a Superwoman! xxx

  • Thanks for the hug, I don’t feel like superwoman but I hope you’re doing well xxx
