Waiting time

  • 22 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed with a modular melanoma on 24 th July, since then I’ve had a CT scan and a consultation with a surgeon on the 6th August who said I needed a WLE and a sentinel lymph node biopsy, he said this would be done in four weeks, my question is I’ve still not received a date for this to be done, how long does it take to get an appointment 


  • that’s such a long wait i totally understand your frustrations xx 

  • Hi I’ve just read your story, I’m sorry you are having to go through all this, my story is very similar to yours, only I’m still waiting on lymph node surgery, it’s reassuring to read that it’s normal all the emotions that we go through, I hope you don’t have any side effects.

    Thank you for taking time out to answer my questions I’m new to all this and feeling a bit overwhelmed. 
    take care


  • anytime x I have Been an emotional Mess for months now as I just didn’t deal well with the waiting. Physically I have never felt any different. Overwhelmed… yes everyday x I sat in that cancer hospital on Monday thinking how the hell has a tiny spot on my eyebrow resulted in all this…. But being back at work had helped me immensely the summer holidays gave me far too much time to goggle/research and it drove me crazy x 

    Side effects I am Hoping I don’t get any but if I do i hope  they are kind to me Rofl as I am Such a wimp when it comes to being unwell x 

  • Yeah physically I don’t feel any different either, I did take some time off work at first to try to process it all, it’s scary how your life changes in the blink of an eye.

    but the waiting is just horrendous, I think I’m too impatient just want all the tests done and results back! 

  • you sound like me! Yes I was off after the diagnosis then went back and was off again to isolate before the operation. Then I had school summer hols so being at home all those months defo didn’t help me. I am doing reduced hours this week ( 8-1)  seen as it was my first dose of immunotherapy. Going forward looking to do (9-3) and see how I do managing work/life/immunotherapy balance x 

    you are honestly not being impatient I think it’s terrible how long and drawn out this is x 

  • I really hope it goes well for you, I think I just need to get my head round that this is going to be a long process! X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 222

    I'm in the same boat. Surgeon told me 2 weeks ago I'd have mine done in 4 weeks but found out by calling the waiting list folks that due to an influx of patients and only having 2 surgery slots a week I'll now be the end of October. 

    These are Edinburgh timescales at the moment. I've been waiting since 22nd July.

  • Thank you for posting your story. My mum is at the beginning or this journey, thanks to a delay caused by poor GP decision making. I hope you go and and continue to make a good recovery x

  • Hi, the waiting is the tough bit. I had my

    mole removed on 20th July, given the melanoma news over the phone on 4th August and I haven’t even got a date to see anyone yet let alone an operation date. It’s tough.

    I’ve  gone camping this weekend... not being home seems to make the wait easier.

    I hope you all get good news soon

  • Oh gosh my heart goes out to you. Fingers crossed you hear from them soon. Enjoy camping in the meantime. X