Melanoma journey

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  • 50 subscribers

So here goes, just home from hospital after spending 2 days after undergoing a wide local excision and lymph node removal from my face Cry the level of care in hospital was second to none, from the surgeon to the doctors and nurses they were all amazing. Hopefully this is the end of the worst time of my life, they think they removed everything and its looking positive that it hadnt spread to my lymph node!! Im physically and emotionally drained, still in alot of pain but i know this now is my journey to recovery. I am gonna have some scarring and im not emotionally prepared yet as to how all this will heal and how its all gonna look, but im here and alive thats all that matters i will deal with the scars eventually i know that. Whats important now is letting my body rest and my wounds heal and just getting back to normality, my 12 year old son as been amazing hes been my rock and my family have been right by my side and they will help me through this!! Yes guys its hard but you all must remember where theres light you have to stay positive, thats what will get you through and never ever feel alone, reach out for support, this group as been a godsend seeing everyone elses journeys thats what gave me hope and helped me through.

  • Hi BooBooEnglish, really good to read that your feeling so positive.

    Take care KT

  • Hi x 

    I am Going in for day surgery next week for a wide excision on my face ( above my eyebrow ) and a sentinel node test where the surgeon reckons it will be around my ear area he removes the node from. I am absolutely dreading it and worried about how long i will wait for the sentinel node results x 

  • Hi i had surgery 3 weeks ago on my face on my right cheek and they removed the lymph node from just under my ear, i was kept in overnight after surgery, i was so scared but i have to say from the nuBlushes to the surgeons they were all amazing. I was in a hell of alot of pain (i wont lie) afterwards for about a week and extremely exhausted. Ive healed incredibly well and i cant believe how well it Blushoks and today they rang me with the results of the lymph node....i got the all clear!! Good luck with the surgery and hope all goes well for you Blush

  • Fab that it came back all clear! I think it will be around the left ear area that they will remove my lymph node from. The Melanoma on my eyebrow measured 2.5mm so like you am hoping for positive news and it has not spread to my lymph nodes.