Confused about Consultant's recommendation

  • 3 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Apologies before I start this post: I’m rambling a bit but I’m confused.

I’m a 62yo male, diagnosed in March 2020 with MCL. Fortunately for me, the cancer was, and still is indolent, so my consultant recommended a watch and wait strategy with 3 monthly consultations.

My consultations have been mainly by telephone due to COVID but for the latest review today, I asked for a face to face. One lymph node on my neck (just under my left ear) has slowly swollen so that it now looks like there is a golf ball under my skin.

Within two mins of commencing the consultation, my consultant said that he felt it was time to start treatment and recommended chemotherapy. He said he’d arrange a full body CT scan in the next two weeks, review my case with his colleagues, and then see me again in 4 weeks to recommend a course of treatment. He also said that because I’m fairly fit and well otherwise, a more aggressive chemo regime would give me a longer remission. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a treatment option whilst still in an indolent stage, and didn’t really have time to process, and ask appropriate questions.

However, my concern now is that previously, he’s told me that when it turns aggressive, he has 4 or 5 lines of treatment, starting with Chemo, and that since he can only use each one once (unless a 5-8 years passes before repeating), he’d rather not ‘waste’ a treatment until my MCL turns aggressive. And yet now, while it’s still indolent, I feel like he’s suggesting using one of the main treatments for what appears to be for a cosmetic reason.

I did ask whether the node could be surgically removed: he said yes, but it would just return in another node.

In my simplistic understanding of this, if he surgically removed the node, and it grew elsewhere, at least I’d have another 12 months or so (assuming it didn’t turn aggressive in that period) before we had to use the prime treatment weapon.

What are the forum’s thoughts please?

  • Hi  and welcome, first I have a different type of NHL and it was also low grade, although it was a skin Lymphoma that required skin treatment eventually after 14 years it became aggressive very quickly so had to be treated very aggressively (hit my name to see my story)

    I would not jump the gun on this as the CT and case review will all have to be done before treatments starts for sure. So time to ask questions..... as for cutting out the node it may clear the cells but as this is a blood cancer there is a very good chancer there are cells in other areas.

    Lets see if any others with the same type are looking in.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • My husband was diagnosed with indolent MCL in May last year and was placed on watch and wait. His only symptom at the time was an enlarged lymph node in his armpit. He had regular checks but in December it became evident that his MCL had turned aggressive. He started VR-CAP chemotherapy in December & is awaiting the 5th round. He has had various knock backs over the weeks - blood and platelet transfusions/fluids and a short stay in hospital with an infection. Watch and wait is a confusing time whilst you feel well but your team will know when it progresses and offer you the options. It is all too easy to feel like nothing is being done but trust in your consultants they have seen it all before. You will probably have a PET scan to find out where the cancer is - spleen & bone marrow in my husband’s case. He is 68, slim, fit and otherwise healthy so fingers crossed we’re beating this disease. Good luck and stay positive. 

  • Hi Mick have you read any information on lymphoma and specifically on your type? if not have a look on this site, Lymphoma Action or one of the blood cancer sites. 

    Re your last point its not as simple as cutting it out as those rouge cells could be anywhere in your body and can appear anywhere not just in nodes, your consultant should explain in more detail why he or she thinks its time for treatment and at the same time why they recommend a particular regime. The are a number of choices, often the nordic regime is given these days as a first line treatment. Once you know more those who have MCL may be able to offer some advice and share their experiences


    we all know this is a roller coaster ride, where we ride blind, never knowing where the highs and lows are