Worried for my Sister in law

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Hi - I am new to the group , I was told 2 weeks ago that my beautiful sister in law has been diagnosed with cancer - details were scarce so I made the 6 hour car journey last Saturday to visit her .Disappointed was so shocked - the once beautiful and charismatic woman that I love so deeply looked like a shadow of her former self , I was not expecting this - at 55 years old it started in May this year withDisappointed small lump in her groin , tests confirmed it was cancer and from what I understand ( I don’t want to press too much for information ) it is a lymphatic secondary cancer . I was asked by her to put Disappointeddressing on her tumour which is large and angry looking in her groin and spreads across her Punic bone - it has a small hole in it and it was bleeding , why is this ???? She is facing her 4th chemotDisappointedrapy treatment next Monday and my goodness it has ravaged her whole being - she is weak , nauseous not eating , hands and feet are hurting her and her terrible side effects are endless- I felt helplDisappointeds for her Disappointed how can I help her ? She is stage 4 - am I going to lose her ? I am sorry I don’t know where to go for advice , she doesn’t really have much family and certainly no one to really fight her corner ( I will all day long ) I am 6 hours away though so feel even more helpless - any advice etc is welcome and appreciated x 

  • I’m so sorry you and your loved one are going through this, it is wonderful that you are there for her though. I think showing how much you care by travelling that far will have made a huge positive difference already. I would advise subscribing to Dr Liz O Riordan’s pod cast ‘So now I have breast cancer’ as even if your sister in law doesn’t have breast cancer there’s. Really interesting listen with links abkut things to say and do and things not to. From my personal experience just staying you will help, being who you’ve always been will mean a lot, listen and take the lead from your sister in law. It sounds like what she’s going through is going to be very tough and she may need people she can really rely on going forward. Take the lead from her, practical help can be great but also she may need a lot is space to grieve her old life and just to rest. Love to you both and I hope the podcasts or you tube videos help . Rachel Xx