A hello from me to the lymph nodes, secondary cancer group

  • 4 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Welcome to everyone who's joined the group recently ! and in away that includes me, I’ll explain what I mean by that later. 

If you haven't posted yet and want to ask someone a question or just talk about what’s going on in your head just click on Start A Discussion, which you'll see near the top of the page, or reply to this post. I’m hoping soon everyone will feel comfortable to join in a discussion and support each other. As this group might have people affected by various different cancer, or my not know what their primary cancer is yet. The lymph nodes affected might be in various different places which might bring some differences to.

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For those of us waiting for results remember to come back and tell everyone how you get on! 

Me - I’m usually a community champion (there’s a link after my signature to say what that means) in the melanoma group, although this was one of the first groups I joined 4 years ago as I had no primary melanoma but my pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes were enlarged and biopsied and scanned to make a metastatic melanoma diagnosis. I’ve had a fine needle biopsy guided by a CT scan, a further one guided by an ultra sound and a single lymph node removed as it was resistant to the Pembrolizumab immunotherapy drug I’ve been on, previous to that I was inoperable as too many nodes were affected. 

Today Tuesday I have a further lump In my groin, and I had a CT scan last Wednesday so I’m waiting for those results. To be honest when I joined this group 4 years ago I didn’t stay very long as I hadn’t had any surgery at that point, and the group was very quiet. Today well, I wouldn’t want anyone’s post to go unanswered so I’ve volunteered to keep an eye out in here and hope others will help with their experience and I can perhaps with my knowledge of the site direct people around to any info and support sections I’ve found useful or to direct people to any other groups that are more suitable. 

So I just wanted to say hello, and air where I’m coming from and hope some brave souls might say hello back. That way when I get my results which might be tomorrow I will have some to talk to who might understand any waiting for results and waiting for the next step. 

Best wishes

  • Two weeks ago I was awaiting scan results, I did get them the next day, marvellous really as originally results were going to be on 4/12. I was a bit relieved that the scan showed just one node affected at 17mm, it had felt more like 50mm and as it had been aching after long walks I’ve been taking things easy. The MDT hadn’t discussed my case but oncology wants surgery to be involved because it’s a recurrence in a lymph node near my last one, and they want to save any change of drugs til further down the line and due to potential side effects. There are talking of removing one node again. 

    I got a phone call after the MDT surgeon wants a needle biopsy to confirm melanoma, which is booked for 6/12, then 2 week wait for biopsy results. They are yelling me they will be very surprised if it’s not and surgeon will then want to remove the string of nodes to prevent it coming back in that area.


    I’m still having Pembrolizumab every 3 weeks but the biopsy clashes with it so my treatments is being delayed until 9/12, and I’m changing to a double dose to last 6 weeks. 

    So my head has been full of things to mull over, like are they right to not change drugs and go for surgery, what about lymphoedema possibility. My 50mm feeling has shrunk after giving my leg a rest so is my body playing a cruel trick. Still a week Friday is getting closer every day, and with results time and pre op appointments, I don’t think this surgery will be this side of Xmas. I don’t want to ponder if that’s a good or bad thing, I suppose it just is what it is. 

    I just thought I’d do an update for any one like me who used to read and not post, and if anyone has some words of wisdom about their surgery experience or preparation, I’m all ears. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    HI, I've only just seen your post and I too am awaiting details of my surgery but for me it is breast cancer. I only got approval for anaethsetic last Wednesday and have an appoinment with Surgeon tomorrow so fingers crossed a lot of my questions may be answered then.

    There has been a spread to my Lymph Nodes but thankfully my MRI & CT scans did not come up with any further spread.  Waiting for those results were the worst days of my life.

    I think the worst thing of all of this is the waiting, I am aching all over, my hair is thinning dreadfully, I am tired all of the time because of the drugs but it is the waiting that is the worst. The best thing I have found is to try and keep busy, preparing for Christmas is helping, trying to organise things in case I am in hospital for Christmas. Packing and re-packing hospital bag and shopping for new front fastening pyjamas, (any excuse for some retail thereapy).

    I hope you have good news when your results come through.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just come back from appointment with surgeon! 

    Tumor has shrunk so Letrozole has done it's job

    Surgery scheduled for 16th of January and Chemo thereafter.

    He has stressed the increased risk with the anaesthetic because of heart and clotting problems but Anaesthetist seemed confident so although I am worried about that I am still going to go ahead. I must admit that when Surgeon saw my reaction he didn't hesitate in listing the op so perhaps it was a case of covering himself stressing the increased risks.

    Letrozole can control the growth of the tumor but cannot cure and surgery can cure so it's a no brainer to me.

    Has anyone had this sort of dilemma and who has come out of the other side?  

  • Hi JoBab, that was really good that they could give you a surgery date on the day you saw the surgeon, and that (having looked at your profile) you will be able to see your mum over Christmas. 

    Take care KT