Adenocarcinoma stage 4

  • 1 reply
  • 5 subscribers

Hi All I am New Here and I have been diagnosed adenocarcinoma stage4 since 5th December 2022.

I originally went to the Doctors with a persistent cough which I have had for 9 months now.  It has been so debilitating and misery and have felt suicidal from it.  The Doctor sent me for X-ray and bloods.  Nothing showed.  Then I went in with my ribs hurting and he sent me for another X-ray bearing in mind I have been coughing 9 months continuously.

Doctor then sent me for a third X-ray which then showed a shadow then a scan, etc then a biopsy.  The Lung Specialist said at first it was localised but it has now spread, in my lymph nodes, Adrenal Glands and on top of my kidneys. 

The Lung Specialist said that my cough was unrelated to the lung cancer as he was looking at my results.  But I’m angry cause when you see the reports everywhere that if you have a cough for more than 3 weeks then it’s probably Lung Cancer.

The question is do I go for treatment or not as since speaking to the Oncologist  if I don't then I  only have less than a year to live.  If I have treatment still no guarantee to try and shrink it.  But I don’t think I can put myself through all this Chemo to find out as the Oncologist said that’s only 50% chance so its make up my mind time.

I haven’t yet got a treatment plan or a discussion date before my treatment.

Has anybody else got what I’ve got and had treatment and if so has it given them for time?

Thank You 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It sounds like you've had a very tough time to get to the point you are now and I can understand your frustration in wanting to find out what your treatment plan is.

    I'm not a member of this group but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you copy and paste your post from here into a new post in the lung cancer group, which I can see you've joined. I'm sure you'll find others in that  group who will be able to share their experiences with you.


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