Lump and Lymphodema

  • 4 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Hi to everyone,

I have stage 4 breast cancer with extensive bone mets and just recently noticed a swelling in my forearm. At the same time I was getting twinges in my neck with certain movements. Secondary nurse told me to go to GP who diagnosed lymphodema in my arm and muscle strain in my neck which a physio should look at. I went to lyphodema lady who confirmed and put me in a stocking. But said she didnt know what the neck was. She referred me to physio who said neck wasnt muscular but that I had a visibke lump. She immediately called my nurse who referred to my consultant who said dont worry we'll look at it after bone scan. 

All the nurses etc seemed to thing this lump had caused the lymhodema and it should be looked at seriously, has anyone else had this? Should i push for a scan or is it probably nothing?

Kind Regards


  • Hi , i havent been in this position but if i was i would certainly push for a scan. It must be a terrible worry for you. Have you spoken to your oncologist? 

    Lils x
  • Hi Maizie did you have lymph nodes removed, if they are saying it is caused by Lymphedema are they saying it could be a Seroma which is a collection of fluid underneath the skin from fluid that has nowhere to go, but I'd definitely push for scan, take care x

    DogFeet If you can dream it you can do it FeetDog

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lily0403

    Hi Lils,

    Thank-you for replying. I saw him 5 weeks ago and he said everything was fine but no-one else seems to think so. I know that oncologists get it wrong too so was thinking I should put my foot down. It just feels that because I am palliative anyway they are more reluctant to try and get to the bottom of it. I am due to see him again this Thursday but wanted to see if I should demand he do something. Its nice to here someone else say what I was thinking.

    Thankyou Lils

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LabradorMum

    Hi Labradormum,

    Yes back in 2012 I had a full axilliary clearance as there was cancer in 1 lymph node. But it was a long time ago and Ive never had any problems before. The physio said there was a little fluid but the lump was hard.

    Think you are right tho. The more I think about it I will push for a scan

    Thanks for your help.
