Lung cancer

  • 7 replies
  • 169 subscribers

Hello my name gary.

  1. I'm new to this group. I was diagnosed with cancer in Sept 2023. Till this day I'm still finding it hard. To come to terms with this life change. Some one mentioned to me, bout joining this group. Looking forward to hear from any one. 
  • Hi Gary… Please stay on this group, as it has certainly helped me . People are really supportive, and I’ve read lots of positive stories. Don’t feel alone, there are people on here to help you get through this nightmare … Stay strong xx

  • Hi   Having a cancer diagnoses changes your life, I went through a very hard time at the start of my diagnoses. I tried so hard to be positive, to carry on with my life as “normal” but I still had this awful feeling and I didn’t know what it was. I had great support from my family, and a couple of close friends, but other people treated me differently. I was a social butterfly before my treatment, but as I kept saying no to multiple social events, my friend group got smaller and smaller, and the invitations stopped coming. I lost my job, because I just wasn’t reliable enough anymore. Who knew if I was going to be able to make it to work or not. That horrible feeling I had got worse. I didn’t want to go out, I didn’t want to get up at all some days, and if it wasn’t for my little dog needing to go out I probably wouldn’t. I then realised I was grieving. I was grieving for my old life, the old me. Once I realised this, I started to accept that if I didn’t want to go out, it was ok! I had to go with how I was feeling, I had to go through this grieving process to accept the new me!

    So here I am. 10 years incurable, still having treatment. My family are still fantastic, and I have one close friend who has been through everything with me, and one wonderful friend who I met through this site. I feel content with that, I don’t need any more friends, but I do need support, and I find I have that here, where other people who don’t really know me, but know exactly what I am going through. 

    So a very warm welcome to the group. I hope you find it helpful being here. Sometimes just writing down your feelings and pressing that post button really does help, knowing that there are people here that understand. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Gary, yes l am new to this group to

  • Hi' Garry. I had 80mm colon removed  in 23. Last year October I had lung surgery it had come back. I haven't let it get me down I feel I'm back to normal. I walk out to do my shopping. I walk to the pub and have pint with my pals. Stay positive and do everything they say, the cure rate is very good these days. I'm 83 next month. This is a good place ask anything. We are all in a club we don't want to be a member of but here we are. Lovely people here

  • Hi Gary

    Your not alone m8 we’re all here for you,I was diagnosed in August as having stage4 incurable ALk Non Cell Lung Cancer which had spread with flakes and after scans and being very weak as was in bed for a fortnight before being diagnosed and was at death’s door. I managed to get up shake myself off and start fighting and am now doing great with tumour nearly shrunk and flakes dissolving,the nurses can’t believe how better I’m doing,I’ve just had my 5th cycle off Chemotherapy and scans so I’m just waiting for the results,I think you need to try and stay positive although it’s very hard at times as there’s bad days as well as good ones, sometimes you just can’t be bothered doing anything and that’s fine,these forums are a bundle off help Robert

  • Hey there jagman & Robert. 

    Thanks for the reply guys. 

    It ha d been hard for me to get to no use to this change. October 23rd I was meant to do the chemotherapy, but the doctors thought I'm 53 healthy. Let's try him on a trail drug. And I can tell u this it as stink the tumour. Which the doctors was pleased that the drug is wrkin. Since taken ng it it as made me sensitive to various food. 

    But I tell u this it as given me a new lease of life. I take each day as it come, I go gym every day. I go for walks along the river. Change in my diet which was a challenge. 

    Just like you Robert I'm more positive than ever. I refuse to le this change effect my way off life  I booked a lovely holiday next month for a carribean cruise which we are looking for forward to. 

    And I have been talking to other ppl that's in he same boat as me. Which as also helped me. 

  • That sounds positive. I was thinking that I wouldn't have a chance of going on holiday any more but perhaps it is possible for some of us!