My mom

  • 1 reply
  • 158 subscribers

Hi im new, struggling with moms cancer she also has copd so at min there nothing Dr's can do

( treatment ) I need advice on living with me

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community, perhaps the best club nobody ever wanted to join.

    Having more than one issue does complicate things. my wife's cancer has quite a lot of mets in her lungs and for her she had a complication of having a lung collapse so I can relate on not jumping in to treatment.

    One thing I found helpful was the page on your feelings when someone has cancer being able to recognize the emotions as normal helped to to find them less overwhelming. I did a living with less stress course that helped me to recognize that putting lots of energy in to worrying about a future I could not control was stopping me from appreciating what we have.

    It can take a while to get our minds around what the world is in our new normal.



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