New and scared

  • 4 replies
  • 155 subscribers

Morning all

  1. So glad that I have found this group.

I am due to start my chemo tomorrow and to say I am scared is an understatement. I am still in shock at my diagnosis to be honest. All a bit surreal. Normally fit and well I actually ran the London Marathon this year then became breathless straight after. The last 2 months have been a bit of a rollercoaster to say the least. Being diagnosed with Lung cancer is a real shocker.It really helps to hear others stories to know that I am not alone. I have great support from family and friends but sometimes feel very isolated in my own head and thoughts. 

Ready for the fight ahead!

  • Hi  welcome to the group, but sorry you have had to join us here. It is great to hear you have support from family and friends, but here you will meet people who are been in your shoes and know exactly how you feel. 

    If you click on my profile picture it will take you to my profile page where you can read my journey through this crazy cancer life. The profile page is a very useful way to document your journey, but is always helpful for others to read about your situation as well. If you want to do this yourself, you can click on your profile name, select profile page, and then the edit profile button. it may help to keep you busy while you wait for your treatment tomorrow. 

    The first chemo session is always the worst, because you don’t know what to expect. The fear of the unknown is worse than the treatment itself. The staff are always lovely, and you will build a bond with them over the coming weeks ahead. Once you are in the chemo routine, you will be fine. 

    Good luck, and please let us know how you get on. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you so much for your reply. Yes I think in the last 2 months every test and procedure has seemed really scary but the thinking about it is always worse than the actual process so hope chemo is the same.

  • It’s a group non of us want to join, though personally found it helped me, particularly in the early stages. I understand your shock at diagnosis as recall the exact same feeling about 14 months ago now. Everyone is different but I think once treatment starts you start to feel more in control and positive, however unpleasant it maybe. 

    I hope your treatment goes well and best of luck. 

  • Thank you 

    It went ok thank you and the nurses are all amazing. Had a bad reaction when the drugs went in which was really scary but we got there in the end after anti histamines. Got all my appointments arranged now going forward so at least I can try to fit in some fun stuff in between.