Brain metastasis

  • 2 replies
  • 152 subscribers

Hi everyone Slight smile

My lovely mum is newly diagnosed stage 4 NSCLC, brain metastases. So far, we are coping the best we can after a long hospital admission. We are struggling with the neurological symptoms - dark thoughts/ paranoia that are so troubling for her and all those who love her. Does anyone have any advice for coping Disappointed


  • Hi  welcome to the group , but sorry to hear about your mum.whilst you wait to see if anyone here in the lung group has had experience of this, can I also suggest you join the Secondary brain cancer forum and also the Family and friends forum where you may be able to connect with other people who may be in a similar situation to yourself. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi  

    sadly I lost my mum 3 weeks ago to ES SCLC that had spread to her brain so I know how difficult things must be for you right now. It was the worst part of mum’s cancer as she became a different person it seemed over night. She was very teary, depressed and paranoid and I found the best way to be with her was to listen and constantly reassure. It was so hard at first as I just wanted to cry (especially when she no longer knew who I was) but I knew that would worry her and that was the last thing I wanted so remaining calm and a bit of delicate subject changing really helped.

    The last week of her life she seemed back to her old self and we spent time listening to her favourite music and letting her talk about anything and everything. Try your best to stay positive and treasure all time you have left with her. Reassure and listen to her no matter if she’s talking gobbledygook it’s important she feels heard. Look after yourself as well x