PET scan

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  • 154 subscribers

Hopefully someone can help me understand what’s going to happen in 2 days when I have my 1st PET scan I’m feeling a bit scared about it plus I think the waiting for results afterwards will be hard . Has anyone agreed to to told by phone the results The doctor said a couple of days as I’m having it Thursday will it be over the weekend 

  • Hi Dito, we're all different but for me the PET scan in itself wasn't worrying (it's quite comfy and not noisy - staff we very kind- it was the possible results that concerned me. I had to wait longer to get my results, though macmillan nurse kindly told me the report was in and due to be discussed. She phoned straight after the MDT (2 weeks after scan) and told me I'd need a biopsy and I'd hear that day about it. 1 week to biopsy then a 2 week wait to be told results on phone. Heard from surgeon within a week and operated on a week later. Our hospital only rings after the team has discussed possible ways forward.

    I short, the PET scan is the easy bit. Maybe the first time it feels real though. The waiting is the hardest, I've found.

    Very best of luck x

    • The actual scan is fine, however it was the day that reality hit for me I went home after and sobbed for 4 hours.

    I waited around 10 days for results I too had a call straight after mdt meeting and saw the consultant the next day that was the 18th April I'm having surgery on Tuesday. 

    Every area is different in timescales I've had a lot of waiting in-between appointments etc that's the hardest thing. 

    But hopefully come Tuesday that will be the beginning of the end of this journey.

    Sending love x

  • It's not the scan that is scary It's the fact it's tomorrow and that makes it closer to finding out . I have only been on this cancer road just over 2 weeks starting  to feel really real .It's also on my mind the next steps , which road I will be on trying to stay strong . 

  • I hope come Tuesday you feel strong ready and able xx

  • Hi Dito,  hope your Pet scan is over, did you have your results yet  ? if not should be through early next week. I found the Pet scan the easiest, nice surroundings , pleasant staff  and a cup of tea with biscuits while I waited for my ambulance to return.  How did you find it. ? 

  • The scan is not as difficult as you think. I had a full scan and the doughnut moves along from head down the body. You’re never completely inside and it goes pretty quick. You have to wait an hour for the stuff injected to work so take a magazine if book. Don’t worry.

  • Yes I got my results but it’s as though the doctor is saying in his opinion it’s 75% not cancer but 25% it could be if I want to know 100%! I have to have a biopsy so that’s what I’m doing on 8th July 

    or he said we can leave it scan you again in 3 months I didn’t like that idea having this hanging over my head that why I chose the lung biopsy 

  • Hi Dito  , that's similar  to my experience I was told by a nurse they cannot say cancer without a biopsy.   I had the waiting game after X-ray  for two months  in case it was infection. I see the oncologist on Monday. re possible treatment.  The Biopsy was not too bad on second attempt  but  we are all human and biopsies  get us anxious. Good luck on the 8th  better than worrying for another three months I would think ? Take care