Need some advice and hope

  • 2 replies
  • 167 subscribers

Hello my dad has just had his 2nd round of chemo and had gone to hospital to get a top up of iron which has resulted in finding an infection, he is currently being  tested for sepsis. Up until now he has had no symptoms, even after his 2nd chemo his only side effect was tiredness. Has anyone experienced this before? Is it possible that even if the tests come back positive for sepsis that he will recover?

Any advice is much appreciated 

  • Hi Louise

    The chemo will be lowering Dad's immune system, which means any infection could rapidly spread and turn into sepsis. As they have discovered an infection they will test it for sepsis as a general precaution.

    It is a positive that he was at the hospital at the time, which is enabling him to get the infection treated before it started to make him feel poorly.

    Once the infection is sorted,he will most likely be able to resume his treatment plan.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Kegsy x

    "If you are going through hell, keep going" ; Sir Winston Churchill
    " Cancer may take my life; however it will not become my life" Kegsy August 2011
  • Hi  I am sorry to hear about your dad. Unfortunately sepsis is quite a common occurrence with people on chemotherapy. My sister had chemotherapy for her breast cancer and she cut her finger on a pice of paper. This wouldn’t heal, and she ended up in hospital with sepsis. She was in for a few days on IV antibiotics, and was allowed to complete her course of chemotherapy. 

    I know how scary all this is for you. As soon as we hear sepsis we think the worst, but he is in the best place to be treated, and will hopefully be home soon. 


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