Recently diagnosed

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  • 151 subscribers

Hello I have just had my biopsy after finding out I had lung cancer from a PET scan this was requested because I had pneumonia in January and the follow up X-ray showed there was some residue on my right lung I have a 3.5cm upper right load mass and nodules in the lining. My respiratory doctor has told me “this can’t be cured but can be treated to give me more time “ . I am waiting for the biopsy results hopefully this week, when will I see an oncologist and has anyone else had similar. What sort of treatment should I expect I feel perfectly fine no symptoms at all have mild asthma but that’s not bothering me xx

  • Hello Blossom,

    This sounds very similar to my dad he was told that his cancer was incurable but treatable to give him more time. In the space of 4 weeks he has had biospys, drain downs and is finally fit enough to start 3 rounds of chemo lasting 3 months and then they will reevaluate after then. I hope this helps. I think treatment options are different for different peopke considering age/health etc