
  • 1 reply
  • 143 subscribers

New here although diagnosed with terminal lung cancer 10 months ago, not felt up to talking before. 

  • Hi, sorry you have had no replies yet, but I am sure you will soon.  I understand you did not feel up to talking before, getting a cancer diagnosis is a shock to the system, especially if the prognosis is not good.  A good friend of mine was given a similar diagnosis, although the word "terminal" wasn't used. At first she didn't want to talk to anybody, even close family and close friends.  She only began to talk when she had processed it herself.  She began treatment of chemotherapy last early August which significantly reduced the size of the tumour, then subsequently she is now on immunotherapy. She is fine, enjoying life and being positive.

    I dislike the word "terminal" and I think doctors should not use it, it does not give confidence at all.  Whatever treatment you have had it appears to be doing good, as you say your diagnosis was 10 month's ago. 

    Now you feel up to talking, feel free to chat anytime.  We have all been through, or still going through cancer treatment (including myself) on this forum and it helps to share experiences and advice.

    Best wishes.
