Just simply cannot cope

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  • 166 subscribers

I just simply cannot stop crying.  Not just a few tears, but bawling my eyes out non stop from morning to night.  Already been sick few times.  I don't have any brothers or sisters, can't have children but I have two elderly disabled bunnies who are not too good, my family is just me & my elderly parents that's it.  Can't tell my mum as she's dealing with my dad's emphysema & copd.  Friends haven't bothered to ask how we are.  It's my partner who has a Adenocarcinoma of lung.  It wasn't the hospital who told us, it was by chance me noseying through his Patient Access app I came across it, well away from repeat prescription area.  Our local practice & hospitals didn't say we can get the results online.  Off chance a few days ago on Patient Access, I read they knew he had suspected cancer on 25th October but nothing was said to him & they fast tracked all these scans, he was told he has cancer on 29th November.  He could have stopped smoking back then if they told him, a month wasted.  I am very, very scared, I have no one.

  • Hi  I am so sorry to hear about your partner, and how much you are struggling with the news. The first few weeks is always so difficult because it takes so long to get through all of the tests, with very little information, it makes you feel like you are in limbo. On average it can take up to 2 months from tests staring, and getting an accurate diagnoses and treatment plan. 

    You can come here and chat with us at anytime, but if you feel like you need to talk to someone one to one, you can call the macmillan support line. They are available 7 days a week from 8am until 8pm on 0808 808 00 00. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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