Helpful tips and losing my S*** with people

  • 18 replies
  • 158 subscribers

Morning everyone , I’m about to embark on 6 weeks of combined chemo/ radiotherapy so looking for any helpful tips for both treatments … what to wear , what to take with me to chemo , skin care thanks for your ideas I’ve contacted that company . … do you take food with you to chemo?  I’m there 6 hrs every Tuesday so a long day - … packing my kindle , knitting , mags etc ….   

I Wanted to vent too about the things people seem to think it’s ok to say …. One person actually said she was glad it was me and not her dealing with chemo because I’m much braver and she couldn’t cope with losing her hair etc ….. honestly love,  you’re glad it’s me ??? trust me I’m not brave … I’ve no blumming option and I’m scared …. Or the others who head tilt slightly then say “yes , but did you smoke ?” WTF! ….no I didn’t but why do you seem to be inferring that if I did , it somehow makes this tumour my fault ?? It makes me so blumming angry … I wouldn’t dream of asking anyone that question in that way …. I guess people don’t see nice pink fluffy things for lung cancer… ranty tant over ! ….. Elly x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Elly Broken heart It’s the people who don’t really know much that presume that lung cancer is a smokers illness only. If they’d educate themselves before they spoke then they’d know actually someone who has never smoked can also get it. You can also tell this person is very uneducated because the first thing they mention is losing their hair, what about all the other side effects? These people have no right to comment on things they have no clue about. It’s so hurtful and damaging! Even if you did smoke it gives them no right to question you, or anyone else for that matter. Cancer is cancer, NO ONE chooses it. I know it’s much easier said than done but ignore them Elly darling. Don’t hibernate I know there’s so many other people who will be supportive, loving and caring. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Toppy

    Even if your mum didn’t dry her hair he has absolutely no right to comment. Next time you see him give him a wallop from me! Sweat smile

  • Thank you  .. I’m over it now,  until next time …. JoyTwo hearts

  • Hi Elly,

    The first few times I went to chemo I took everything but the kitchen sink! Because I thought I had to.

    Now, I travel light.

    I rhink the most important thing is a bottle of water, but even if you forget that,  they will have water.  Maybe a small snack.  I try never to take anything too smelly to eat as some people might be suffering nausea, which could be made worse by someone eating for example, an egg sandwich 

    Maybe wear layers, so that you are warm.

    I never take anything to read as there always seems to be lots going on and plenty to watch, but others take books .


  • Hi lovely , how are you ? I did the same last week , took loads in , didn’t need anything , other than my water , book , lip salve and phone , small fruit snack … like you say nothing too smelly and definitely layers , I went really cold then hot …. Elly x

  • Meant to add, you're right, we don't have the pink fluffy cancer.

    I also find people are very ignorant about chemotherapy. Everybody should look like a cancer leaflet apparently -  all brave, bald and beaming.

    They're too stupid to realise that not all chemotherapy causes hair loss.

     You could have two people stood next to each other with cancer.

    Very often the one who looks really ill loiks like that because they're  having nuclear strength chemo, usually because the docs are trying to cure them.

    The other person may look fairly healthy when in fact is seriously ill, because they are getting maintenance /palliative (which is usually more gentle) chemotherapy, or maybe they've even stopped all treatment altogether.

    But  ufortunately people judge by appearances.

    Plus they believe all the clichés.

  • That’s so true love …I’m on nuclear strength chemo and I doubt I’ll be looking too hot and smiling in a hat at the end ! I guess I may have been ignorant to the same things prior to diagnosis  but I hope I wouldn’t have voiced any opinions based on that ignorance…. Elly x