Newly diagnosed Lung Cancer

  • 16 replies
  • 148 subscribers

Hi thanks for the add I was diagnosed last week and have my first face to face appointment with the surgeon to discuss what is going to happen with surgery being in 2-3 weeks… this has all come as a complete surprise as I originally complained of breathlessness and have had so many heart scans angiogram XRays ECGs  then a CT which was followed by a PET scan and Lung Function Test…I then had a phone call saying I was being transferred to Cardiothoracic Surgeons as a lesion had shown up and it needed removing and part of the lung would be removed also…well you could have knocked me down with a feather … I am wondering why I am having surgery and not chemotherapy…he did say there is some emphysema around the lesion…has anyone else had this?

  • Hello Nannyto6, surgery should give you the best possible chance of a cure over chemotherapy (the doctors usually refer to this being performed "with curative intent") and I'm sure things will become much clearer for you when you have met the surgeon. I had surgery in June 2014 and remain fit and well to date.

    I wish you the very best for your treatment and if there is anything more you need to ask just shout.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi Derek thanks for your reply which is reassuring… I really don’t know how to process this diagnosis as it was completely a surprise…one minute I am calm and fine (everybody thinks I am so strong) Screame next panicking that I only have 3 months to liveScream but as you say Monday’s meeting should make things clearer…. 

  • Hi Derek... If you have surgery. Then it's 5 star can't get any better.. Then probably followed by chemotherapy. To be sure nothing is lingering... You will be okay. I just know it..... 

  • Hi, I was in your position in January 2021.  I had my surgery in April where I had the top half of my left lung removed.  I can only advise what happened to me as not an expert but I also thought chemo or radiotherapy but my cancer was contained within that part of the lung lobe so once that was removed, I was considered clear.  I had a follow up xray a while after surgery (once discharged) and on Monday I have my 1st six monthly CT scan.  I had times when I couldn't believe what was happening to me as it all happened so fast and sometimes now, when I sit and think, I still can't actually believe it, that is normal, its the shock and it does get better. I had fluid too but it cleared up and wasn't an issue.  If I can help, let me know x

  • Hi Realshannon I’m so glad you’re clear and good luck with your CT…. You do sound similar to me be great if I have the same outcome… my appointment tomorrow to discuss surgery and further treatment if necessary.. thanks for the reply it’s very encouraging xx

  • Hi me again…meant to ask are you breathless with only half a lung…and what were your symptoms or was it found by chance?? xx

  • Hello, yes I was breathless but am chronic asthmatic too. I woke up one morning and felt very ill. After obvious tests for covid and heart attack, luckily my GP did more bloods and sent me to hospital for contrast scan. Within days I was told it was highly likely cancer as they found a mass. It followed stacks of scans and appointments then surgery. Look, for me, it's odd but now I'm getting better. Alot seem to cope quicker. I do have alot of other health issues but am active. It's taken me approx 9 months to get here but I'm in my 60s. Does that help? I'm focusing on gradually building up fitness, small steps. 

  • Ps glad I helped in some way, we are all so different but crossing fingers for you too. 

  • Thank you Shannon you have done really well sounds like you had a good GP… will let you know how I get on today and what the plan will be xx

  • hope all went well and you feel clearer as to what will happen and a timescale. My CT went well, new unit, 2 very nice handsome guys to do scan etc and followed up by an M&S sarnie (as you can't eat before the scan!)  Knowledge is power I found, sometimes you can't get your head around it all but just stick to this website for information and support and also Cancer Research.