Terminal lung cancer

  • 7 replies
  • 102 subscribers

My aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer on 24th Jan 2024. The cancer is mainly in her right lung, spread to her left and nodes around it. Treatment was not an option due to the severetiy plus her overall health.

She has since had 2 lung drains to help with the increasing fluid however now she is nolonger having these. The deterioration is huge. She has lost around 4 stone since January. She nolonger eats anything except one complan a day. Her bottom is very sore with pressure ulcers which I am supporting her with. She can no longer go up the stairs and sleeps in her arm chair.

She has refused for nurses visit due to a level of denial and pride. I was a nurse many years ago so hence why I am dressing her bottom. I go round to her every evening to dress her bottom and help get her ready for bed. DRs have prescribed oramorph to help her sleep. It's such a draining time for her and us. she has become a little forgetful and confused at times. We do not know if or where the cancer has spread too. 

Just reaching out really for support and guidance. How long can she sustain herself on complan? It feels like every day there are little changes for the worse. 

  • Dear TBello

    1. I am so sorry that she is so poorly and that you are caring for her with little support. I think you really do need to involve others to help you now as she may deteriorate further. The GP can be your first point of contact - sounds like palliative care is needed for care, equipment and analgesia and advice.  I think she needs to a hospital bed with a pressure relieving mattress - her pressure sores will get worse and more painful in a chair. Care and appropriate equipment can also help you both with your current situation - it will help her feel less pain and discomfort. Carers can assess her and see what is needed. She may be getting confused for many reasons including infection from the sores. She may also need antibiotics and maybe fluids but that will need to be assessed. I know she has refused nurses to visit but it sounds like you and she really do need some outside help very, very soon. It will help you both. I am a health professional, have worked in palliative care - in hospitals, hospices and the community and I also have Stage 3 lung cancer but am well at the moment. I wish you the best. Please, please consider getting some support - she will be more comfortable and you will get much needed support - you cannot carry this burden alone.
  • Thank you for the reply. Its so difficult as the hospital team (lung nurses) have come to visit and she refused any help. GP has also called however again she has refused help. I keep reminding her that we need her in a bed or a bed downstairs so she can rest more. I ordered her an airflow cushion for the chair which has helped improve the ulcers but an airflow mattress would obviously be better. I think the cancer has spread to her brain. 

    She sometimes sees things that aren't there like bugs. I will continue to try to persuade her to allow for the nurses to visit. I am going to call the GP on monday on her behalf and maybe explain where we are. 

    Thank you for the message. I just feel so helpless at times. 

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis

     Sending love and hugs. X

  • Sounds like she is quite proud and stubborn which makes it difficult for you. Do you think she has mental capacity to make decisions? This could be assessed.....(does anyone have Power of Attorney?).

    I think it is a very good idea to call GP on Mon - she may have deteriorated since last seen. She may need a lot more medical input now. 

    She could have brain mets but also if she is taking more Oramorph that can cause confusion/visual hallucinations.  

    Even though she has refused nurses etc - you need support and, if you were unable to help her she would be in a trouble. 

    Good luck with everything. You are being amazing to support her.

    Hugs and more x

  • Hi there - just wanted to send love and hope you are getting some help with your aunt. Hugs x

  • I feel you. My mum has/is similar. But I really feel you need to make a stand and tell her how it is. She will deteriorate and you cannot carry this alone (trust me)  they have a duty of care and Poopn’t accept her refusal if it puts her at risk. Which even with your wonderful help it is. I’m sorry it’s just Poop isn’t it. Xx hugs being sent xx

  • Thank you for the message. Unfortunately my aunt passed away in the 12th March, 7 weeks from being diagnosed. Luckily she was surrounded by family. We never got a chance to discuss having any support. 

    Sending love to everyone fighting or supporting someone who is fighting cancer. Xx

  • I am so very sorry to hear this. I hope you’re doing ok? Grief is hard. Be kind to yourself xxx