Stage 4 adenocarcinoma

  • 39 replies
  • 107 subscribers

Hi all I've stage 4 adenocarcinoma starting immunotherapy on monday, i am on the saron trail is anyone else on it .

  • Hey FFsake

    Just had a look at the CRUK website re. the SARON trial & I have to say that sounds like one helluva package deal!!!

    I really hope it works well for you and would be very interested to hear your progress...

    The best of luck, Merry Christmas &

    Stay Strong


    Stay Strong


  • Hi Fsake, and welcome to the group. I’ve not heard of this trial. It would be very interesting if you could update us with it as you go. Good luck for Monday. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Yes its definitely a big hit of treatment,  basically i have immunotherapy monday then dose 2 in three weeks . After the second dose i then have pet ct etc then if my cancer is the same or reduced then i get two more cycles of immunotherapy and then oxford for radiotherapy on the chest and abdomen, then more immunotherapy. If it has grown after the first two cycles of tge immunotherapy then i get chemo and radiotherapy. 

  • Hi FSake

    Tip for you - if you click on the mug icon next to my username, that will take you to the bio of my journey to date which many of us have written up as a guide to newbies and other community members hopefully to show that we mostly go thru a similar process especially in the early RollerCoaster ride section etc...

    Stay Strong


    Stay Strong


  • Good luck for tomorrow Fsake, hope the treatment in coming months all goes to plan for you. 

  • Hi there, my mum is/ was on SARON. she started on 3 rounds of chemo (cisplatin and pemetrexed) and also kerytruda - immuno. Then dropped to just kerytruda and pemetrexed. She was not selected for the initial trial arm that included radiotherapy. For the first year her treatment has worked well on the lung cancer and her tumour has shrunk. She had a hot spot on her spine which has become dormant. However after the last CT scan (2 weeks ago) her lung tumour has begun to increase marginally so she is due to start the radiotherapy.  I would be interested to hear if you have been selected for the early radiotherapy arm of the trial, what your diagnosis is, and how you get on.

    Take care


  • Hi nic , i have my second round of immunotherapy on the 11th jan, then my next pet ct will be done if my tumours are the same or shrinking then i will be having radiotherapy.  If grown then chemo first then radiotherapy. 

  • Great stuff.  I hope this is really successful for you.  Mum had some side effects with her immuno - quite bad colitis, but apart from that she is pretty much asymptomatic, and is fit and well.  She starts the radio on 13th Jan, so we are vert positive that the lung tumour will get a good blasting, and the side effects will be minimal.  Very best wishes to you, and here's to a good 2021 for you!

  • Hey heres an update on the saron trial, just had my third treatment of immunotherapy and the good news is that its shrinking my cancer, i have now been told i will have radiotherapy. 

    I will have targeted radiotherapy on my lung and aortic lymph node at Southampton then off to Oxford for targeted radiotherapy on my abdomen and adrenal areas this is buying me time. 

  • Cracking result FSake - keep it up!!!

    Stay Strong
