Mum diagnosed with lung cancer - hope gained from this group!

  • 12 replies
  • 103 subscribers


My mum was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday and have to be honest my world fell apart within mins of the consultant telling us.

I came on here last night because I've seen many adverts etc. about Macmillan supporting families and not just patients...I need to be strong for my mum and the rest of our family. I thought with lung cancer you can't get better from this based on very limited experience but from what I'm reading on here that's certainly not the case for everyone.

We don't know full diagnosis because she needs to have a PET scan and Bronchoscopy, the consultant did use the words curative treatment but that depends on if the cancer has spread.

I'll be asking lots of questions over the next few weeks no doubt, apologies in advance.

From what I've read so far, you are all amazing and my mum's a fighter so hope she can have the strength I've seen on here to kick cancers back side!


  • That's a coincidence, I had mine at St James in Leeds. They were very good with all of the treatment I had and I was grateful to be under their care. It's 5 years ago now.

    Best wishes,


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Had to sit on a bed in a little cubicle while we answered some questions, signed consent then husband had to leave as involves radiation. Canula in arm then the radiologist, came to inject the mix – wondered how my body would re-act to glucose content as not used to sugar. Then had to sit quietly for an hour while cells absorb the mix ready for the PET scan. PET scan took 25 minutes – top of head to knees. Not at all distressing.   

    Hi Sara, this is a slightly edited version of my diary for the day I had my PET scan.  I do remember it was not at all stressful..I had an MP3 player with me that I had stuff on there that I had used for years for meditation purposes but also had music on it and it was good just to lay and relax after having a really busy fortnight of tests and appointments.  The radiologist came to get me when it was time and showed me to the room where I lay on a bed.  The bed raised up a bit if I remember rightly and you pass through the machine but it is not at all claustrophobic.  Mum should be fine.