
  • 2 replies
  • 80 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I'm due to go into hospital on the 3rd March for a frozen biopsy, and highly probable lobectomy and removal of lymph nodes in my chest.

I am absolutely scared out of my head. 

Anyone who has had the same, it would be lovely to hear your stories. Pain when you wake up, the drain that will be in, recovery etc. 

Thank you 

  • Hi I had a lobectomy plus lymph nodes removed. After the operation I was almost pain free the drain caused discomfort.try not to over think it . I just went in on the day was prepared for surgery and walked down to the theatre with a member of staff, everything friendly and relaxed was put to sleep woke up all done back on the ward out of bed the same day walking about carrying the dreaded drain which I didn’t get along with and I had it in for 10 days

  • Thank you. Hope you are doing well now