Stress levels through the roof after a long wait

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My journey started in July last year. I had a CT scan which showed a 15 mm nodule at the top of my right lung.

In October it was still there, so the specialist referred me to the cancer team. Within two weeks I'd had a phone call, within 5 weeks a pet scan, things were moving at a good pace. Then it took two weeks to see a different consultant, who said it was inconclusive,as there was only a mild take up. He referred me for a needle biopsy. Three weeks later I went to the hospital and they said they couldn't do it, so would refer me for a surgical biopsy.

Christmas delayed things then another two weeks to see a consultant.At the appointment I was told that because of problems at the hospital it would be March before surgery. 

Back to the nurses at my hospital, who said the wait wasn't acceptable and re referred me to a different hospital. Now got an appointment to see a consultant at the hospital on the 28th. Two to four week wait for surgery. 

It's doing my head in. How do you handle the stress? Any help will be much appreciated . X

  • Hello Dibby,  You are right how do we deal with the stress or uncertanity,not sure . My first brush with cancer was  1987. more recently it was a BCC removed in August 2023 which should have been OK. But then a chest Xray  produced doubts in my lungs and Kidneys. Since which time I have gone through a stressful time like you., I have this week spent three hours at hosptal having a second PET scan on advice of MDTteam after a three month respite following radiotherapy.I feel the last 12 months as just made me iller not sure about you, others seem to be treated quickly and with definate plans to go forward.   My suggestion would be ask the DR why you are being treated different to other cancer patients, have you definately got cancer, what grade it is , and what would be the treatment for the cancer you have. Being positive  sometimes genders better results. The messing about just adds insult to injury on occasions so I wish you every bit of good luck , my next appointment for planning is 27th, and hopefully move forward we are agreed that radiotheraphy as caused more problems in my case with side effects.  Bye for now best wishes. x     

  • I feel just like you. It does feel like others are moving quicker. It just feels like hurdle after the next and just when you think you're going to get all the answers, something else happens , or the results are inconclusive in my case, but they are still saying  cancer. When I go to sleep for surgery, I won't know until I wake up, whether it's cancer, whether it's spread to any lymph nodes in my chest. The uncertainty, and the length of time it's taking, is having more effect on me than I thought.

    I do wish you well for the 27th , my appointment is the 28th. 

    Hope your radiotherapy goes well 

    Take care x

  • Hi my lung journey started in august -after failed needle biopsy, three cancelled ops, i finally had lung wedge and biopsy on 2nd January; now a long wait for results it seems….and a warning that might still be inconclusive (how??). So am fully with you - its much too long 

  • I know exactly how you feel. My operation will be slightly better. They will remove the lump, send it to the lab while I'm still out and if it's cancer remove part of my lung, and lymph nodes if it's not sew me up and I go home the next day.

    I know how you feel with the non conclusive , it does your head in, as you build yourself up for an answer. That's how my pet scan went. 

    I hope everything turns ok for you. X

  • Hello again Dibby, Good luck on the 28th hope all goes well for you , I've had my PET scan ready for  27th.